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Wątek: Eras of Rome

  1. #1
    Stara Gwardia / Ostatni Sprawiedliwy Awatar KLAssurbanipal
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    Eras of Rome

    Jest to mod kładący nacisk na Rzym w różnych erach. Forma wyjściowa to średnie i późne Cesarstwo. Jest mini-mod o Republice.

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    Eras of Rome - Pax Romana wydane

    Emperor Caesar po wielu miesiącach opublikował w końcu modyfikację o nazwie Pax Romana z serii Eras of Rome (Ery Rzymu). ,,Era" historyczna przedstawiona w tym modzie to Cesarstwo Rzymskie podzielone de facto na cztery części: właściwą podlegającą cesarzowi Galienowi, Galię zarządzaną przez Postumusa, Trację, Azję Mniejszą i Egipt objęte uzurpacją Makriana II oraz pół-autonomiczne państwo Palmyry kierowane przez Araba Odenata na Bliskim Wschodzie.

    Rozgrywka zaczyna się w roku 260, a gracz musi poradzić sobie z Imperium w rozkładzie, lub stanąć po stronie wymienionych wyżej innych państw albo Partów czy któregoś z plemion germańskich i pozostałych frakcji.

    2. Grywalne frakcje:

    - Imperium Rzymskie (Imperium Romanum)
    - Imperium Makriana (Imperium Macrianorum)
    - Imperium Galijskie (Imperium Galliarum)
    - Imperium Palmyreńskie (Imperium Palmyrenum)

    Wschodnie frakcje:
    - Imperium Sasanidów (Eranshahr)
    - Armenia (Mets Hayk)
    - Królestwo Bosporańskie (Basileion tou Bosporou)

    - Markomanowie
    - Kwadowie
    - Frankowie
    - Alamanowie
    - Goci

    Stepowe frakcje:
    - Jazygowie
    - Roksolanowie

    - Aksum

    3. Zawartość:
    - 4 tury na rok;
    - nowe budynki głównie dla frakcji rzymskich oraz mniej dla wschodnich;
    - nowe uzbrojenie dla legionistów z III wieku jak i zapożyczone z innych dobrych modów;
    - dużo nowych jednostek bazowanych na obecnej wiedzy historycznej (oprócz Piktów);
    - mechanika Populacji;
    - historyczne postaci jak Galien, Dioklecjan i Postumus;
    - możliwość przejścia historycznej reformy wojskowej Dioklecjana przez Rzymian poprzez technologię;
    - nowe menu i screeny ładowania oraz odmienne wyświetlane cytaty podczas ładowania;
    - opcjonalnie nowa muzyka wzięta np. z takich filmów jak Gladiator czy Orzeł;
    - inne.

    1. LINKI do pobrania (Steam):

    - Część 1.
    - Część 2.
    - Część 3.
    - Część 4. - Muzyka; dodatkowa

    2. Let's play youtubera HForHavoc z pierwszych dni po wydaniu:

    Źródła: Total War Center, kanał YouTube HForHavoc, Google, Wikipedia (Makrian II, Galien, Germanowie).
    Ostatnio edytowane przez Polemajos ; 02-10-2017 o 20:36
    Darowizna dla mnie jako twórcy możliwa tutaj: https://www.paypal.me/klassurbanipal

  2. #2
    Stara Gwardia / Ostatni Sprawiedliwy Awatar KLAssurbanipal
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    Preview jednostek rzymskich z okresów:

    1. III wiek naszej ery:

    The Army of the 3rd Century:
    The Roman army in the 3rd century was a force in development. The rise of new enemies such as the Sassanids and more mobile barbarian tribes like the Goths forced the Romans to change their tactics in order to adapt. However, the army would not experience complete reform until Diocletian in 284 AD. The equipment was very different from that of the classic Principate legion, yet also very different from the armies of Constantine and his successors.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
    The helmets of the 3rd century army are in wide variety and are seen as the epitomy of Roman helmet design, namely the Italic H Niedermormter. With the lines between auxiliaries and legionnaires becoming blurred, the equipment did as well and the helmets.

    The Italic H Niedermormter - late 2nd century - mid 3rd century. The last of the Italic helmets.

    The Heddernheims - late 2nd century - late 3rd century - one of the more popular designs during the time of crisis

    The Theilenhofen - 3rd century - a very intricate and decorative helmet, based on the Attic-style helmets of old

    The Niederbieber - 2nd century - mid 3rd century - originally an auxiliary cavalry helmet, that became popular with infantry

    Other - A Praetorian cavalryman's helmet

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
    The armor worn by Romans in the 3rd century became largely varied. The famed lorica segmentata was beginning to fall out of use due to its cost and maintenance. Lorica Hamata became very popular once more and lorica squamata began to be worn more frequently. The hamata, unlike before, became more simple, usually not being shouldered anymore like the style of the former legions. Rome also started to make use of lamellar armors.

    Lorica Segmentata

    Lorica Hamata

    Lorica Squamata

    Lamellar Armor

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    By the 3rd century, the famed gladius had fallen out of use. It its place, the spatha, formerly a cavalry sword, became extremely popular as it could function more or less the same but had a longer reach than its predecessor. Lighter versions of the pilum were being used, the weighted versions still in use but beginning to be forgotten. Also, the hasta became very popular and many front-line legionnaires began to carry it in order to counter cavalry.

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    Shields int he 3rd century were more or less the same. However, the large rectangular scutum was becoming less popular, used in the time of Gallienus mainly by legionnaires who would have stood in the front lines. The patterns on shields during the 3rd century could be very intricate and decorative or extremely simple.

    The famed Dura Europos shield


    Unit Preview

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    Some Previews of units.

    Darowizna dla mnie jako twórcy możliwa tutaj: https://www.paypal.me/klassurbanipal

  3. #3
    Stara Gwardia / Ostatni Sprawiedliwy Awatar KLAssurbanipal
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    Ciąg dalszy posta (obrazków było za dużo na jeden).

    2. Czasy od Dioklecjana wzwyż:


    The reason the army of Diocletian will make an appearance in the mod is because due to the timeframe, the player will be able to upgrade to the late army via tech.

    The Army of Diocletian and later

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
    The helmets of the 4th century Roman army onwards were quite different then their predecessors. Some were cheaper made and had less protection while others were very intricate and very protective.

    The Intercisa Helmet - 4th-5th centuries

    Roman Ridge types - 4th-5th centuries


    Spangenhelm types - 3rd-5th centuries

    There are some others and the helmets will vary, having different colored versions and versions that have crests for high-tier units and such.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
    ​coming soon

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
    The weapons used by the legions of Diocletian and his successors were very much the same as before, except the once popular pilum began to fall out of use in favor of other lighter javelins and then the well-known plumbata - a small throwing dart.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read:

    By the end of the third century, the large rectangular scutum had fallen out of use, and from then on oval suctums would be the shield of choice for Roman soldier.

    Unit Preview
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    Helmets: Dontfearme22, Ahiga, asterion2005, The_Germans_are_coming, CA
    Armor: CA, Ahiga, Dresden, The_Germans_are_coming
    Weaponry: CA
    Shields: The_Germans_are_coming, Dresden

    Darowizna dla mnie jako twórcy możliwa tutaj: https://www.paypal.me/klassurbanipal

  4. #4
    Stolnik Awatar marko1805
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    Prawdopodobnie kolejny mod ,który nie powstanie. Mała ekipa , brak postępów od dłuższego czasu, a ostatnio konflikt o bezprawne użycie modeli z Leonardem......

    Si vis pacem, para bellum

    "Lepiej jest nie odzywać się wcale i wydać się głupim, niż odezwać się i rozwiać wszelkie wątpliwości"

  5. #5
    Stara Gwardia / Ostatni Sprawiedliwy Awatar KLAssurbanipal
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    o... Nie słyszałem o tym konflikcie. Możesz Marku coś nakreślić? Ostatnio mało siedzę na TWC, a jak już to nastąpi to wychwytuję jedynie nowe informacje, bez wczytywania się w indywidualne posty.
    Darowizna dla mnie jako twórcy możliwa tutaj: https://www.paypal.me/klassurbanipal

  6. #6
    Stolnik Awatar marko1805
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    Masz na PW

    Si vis pacem, para bellum

    "Lepiej jest nie odzywać się wcale i wydać się głupim, niż odezwać się i rozwiać wszelkie wątpliwości"

  7. #7
    Stara Gwardia / Ostatni Sprawiedliwy Awatar KLAssurbanipal
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    Nowy przegląd budynków do Pax Romana:

    This thread will be dedicated to showing the progress of new buildings for the upcoming mod Pax Romana. Some buildings are still in the works and will be added later. These buildings were made with the cooperation of Heinrich and some are and will be featured in his expanded building chain mod for Rome II.

    I made these with the mind of trying to bring some more realism and historicity to the game and I hope I can accomplish that.

    Public Monuments:

    A monument chain has been added because let's face it - Romans loved to build things dedicated to their remembrance and glory. In game the chain will cost some to maintain and that will increase as you progress in the chain. However, it will provide a public order bonus in return along with influence for your political party. The first is a simple statue, the next a column, and the third an arch. These can be found in Heinrich's mod. The 4th is also an arch, but is unique to Pax Romana. It is the arch of Gallienus, that was originally built into the Porta Esquilina during the reign of Augustus. However, it was rededicated and rebuilt to Gallienus and his wife in 262 AD by Marcus Aurelius Victor.


    This chain represents some form of an education in Roman society. The level 1 building is the ludus and the level 2 the schola. You will have to build it from the city center chain (Public Forum) in game. The buildings will provide a research bonus and public order bonus but will cost you in maintenance. The building chain appears in Heinrich's mod also.


    Roads were always important to the Romans. All roads lead to Rome! This chain is used to represent the benefit of using roads. It will provide bonuses to the economy and faction income as well as providing a movement bonus to your armies. This building chain does appear in Heinrich's mod as well.


    Now onto some more buildings unique to Pax Romana. For garrisons, I decided to change things up for the Romans. The Roman army was a professional fighting force. The soldiers were stationed at forts across the empire, or lined along the frontiers. It is ahistorical to give every Roman city a garrison, such as a city deep in Spain or Gaul where there is little threat from barbarians. No civilization would be able to maintain professional troops in every town across a large empire. So instead of cities providing garrisons or military buildings doing so, you now have to build these specific garrison buildings pictured above.

    In the first picture is the legion garrison at level 1 and the comitatenses base at level 2. The idea is simple - the building will provide you with a garrison of professional Roman troops to defend the city. It will have legionaries and heavy cavalry and the like. The comitatenses base will become buildable when the late game tech that upgrades the Roman army into the army of Diocletian and later has been researched. It will also provide a public order bonus and help growth in a town but will take some food and cost in maintenance.

    The second chain represents an auxiliary chain - giving auxiliary infantry, cavalry, missile troops for garrison. It will be cheaper than the legion garrison and may provide more troops but won't provide the same quality troops that the legions would. The level 2 building is the limitanei building and also needs the late game tech to be constructed. The effects are close to the same as the legion/comitatenses chain (public order bonus, maintenance, etc.)

    ​The last single building is a veteran's colony. In the Roman world, it was known that in newly conquered lands victorious generals would settle their veteran troops as reward for service. The troops would move into civilian life somewhere, but could always be called back in desperate times. This building will provide a garrison of veteran soldiers and also allow them to be recruited in the town. This also means that veteran troops will no longer be recruitable via the normal military chain. It will provide growth and some wealth to the town along with its military benefits.


    The use of foederati grew as the empire went on. Foederati were not necessarily in heavy use in 260 but still existed and would become much more prevalent in a few decades. The chain will allow the recruitment of foederati troops specific to each region. At the time, barbarians entering the empire didn't want a lot of money. They wanted land and food to survive. So instead of having a large upkeep on foederati units - you will have to pay in food. The upkeep for the units will be low but each level in the chain will cost a large amount of food to construct starting at 15 and increasing later. This will be up to the player but for normal Roman troops I have raised their upkeep a large margin to represent growing inflation in the 3rd century and troop pay did increase drastically in this period. It will become a viable option for you to get very cheap barbarian troops in exchange for food (and some public order by the way as no true Roman wants a dirty barbarian near him) rather than only expensive Roman troops that will cost a good amount of denarii. 15 may not seem a lot at first but imagine having three camps - that's 45 food alone! The good barbarian troops will require the higher level camps too and will cost a fortune in food. Finding a balance for your legions and foederati will be the key to success!

    Along with the new buildings, effects have been changed for current ones and more proper Latin names given to most Roman buildings. If you have any ideas for buildings, 3rd century specific or not, please do leave a comment.

    Credit to Heinrich for getting the buildings in game. Thank you!

    Źródło: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?732297-PREVIEW-New-Buildings-for-Pax-Romana
    Darowizna dla mnie jako twórcy możliwa tutaj: https://www.paypal.me/klassurbanipal

  8. #8
    Megas Basileus / Młoda Gwardia Awatar Polemajos
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    Eras of Rome - Pax Romana wydane

    Emperor Caesar po wielu miesiącach opublikował w końcu modyfikację o nazwie Pax Romana z serii Eras of Rome (Ery Rzymu). ,,Era" historyczna przedstawiona w tym modzie to Cesarstwo Rzymskie podzielone de facto na cztery części: właściwą podlegającą cesarzowi Galienowi, Galię zarządzaną przez Postumusa, Trację, Azję Mniejszą i Egipt objęte uzurpacją Makriana II oraz pół-autonomiczne państwo Palmyry kierowane przez Araba Odenata na Bliskim Wschodzie.

    Rozgrywka zaczyna się w roku 260, a gracz musi poradzić sobie z Imperium w rozkładzie, lub stanąć po stronie wymienionych wyżej innych państw albo Partów czy któregoś z plemion germańskich i pozostałych frakcji.

    2. Grywalne frakcje:

    - Imperium Rzymskie (Imperium Romanum)
    - Imperium Makriana (Imperium Macrianorum)
    - Imperium Galijskie (Imperium Galliarum)
    - Imperium Palmyreńskie (Imperium Palmyrenum)

    Wschodnie frakcje:
    - Imperium Sasanidów (Eranshahr)
    - Armenia (Mets Hayk)
    - Królestwo Bosporańskie (Basileion tou Bosporou)

    - Markomanowie
    - Kwadowie
    - Frankowie
    - Alamanowie
    - Goci

    Stepowe frakcje:
    - Jazygowie
    - Roksolanowie

    - Aksum

    3. Zawartość:
    - 4 tury na rok;
    - nowe budynki głównie dla frakcji rzymskich oraz mniej dla wschodnich;
    - nowe uzbrojenie dla legionistów z III wieku jak i zapożyczone z innych dobrych modów;
    - dużo nowych jednostek bazowanych na obecnej wiedzy historycznej (oprócz Piktów);
    - mechanika Populacji;
    - historyczne postaci jak Galien, Dioklecjan i Postumus;
    - możliwość przejścia historycznej reformy wojskowej Dioklecjana przez Rzymian poprzez technologię;
    - nowe menu i screeny ładowania oraz odmienne wyświetlane cytaty podczas ładowania;
    - opcjonalnie nowa muzyka wzięta np. z takich filmów jak Gladiator czy Orzeł;
    - inne.

    1. LINKI do pobrania (Steam):

    - Część 1.
    - Część 2.
    - Część 3.
    - Część 4. - Muzyka; dodatkowa

    2. Let's play youtubera HForHavoc z pierwszych dni po wydaniu:

    Źródła: Total War Center, kanał YouTube HForHavoc, Google, Wikipedia (Makrian II, Galien, Germanowie).
    Ostatnio edytowane przez Polemajos ; 02-10-2017 o 20:32
    ,,Vae Victis"

  9. Użytkownicy którzy uznali post Polemajos za przydatny:

  10. #9
    Megas Basileus / Młoda Gwardia Awatar Polemajos
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    W związku z wydaniem dodatku Empire Divided w listopadzie ubiegłego roku, Emperor Caesar podjął decyzję o przeniesieniu projektu na ten dodatek. Prace posuwają się powoli do przodu. Na tę chwilę ukończone są rostery jednostek frakcji rzymskich i z nimi może zostać wydana pierwsza wersja moda, jako że Gaiten odpowiedzialny za oddziały Sasanidów jest zajęty życiem rzeczywistym.
    ,,Vae Victis"

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