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Wątek: Download i instalacja (aktualna wersja - 1.2.5)

  1. #21
    Megas Basileus / Młoda Gwardia Awatar Polemajos
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    8 stycznia ukazała się aktualizacja 1.2.2g. Znajdują się w niej zmiany z zakresu bitew, transportu, floty, polityki wewnętrznej i masa różnych poprawek. Uwagę zwracają ulepszone możliwości kamery bitewnej, która to może sięgać większej wysokości i schodzić do jeszcze niższego poziomu.

    Szczegółowa lista zmian:
    Battle Changes/Fixes
    - Additional tweaks to pikes to improve frontal toughness and kills.
    - Improved battle camera, allowing it to go lower and higher
    - Tweaks to short pike phalanx and barbarian shieldwall
    - Multiple unit stat/attribute/spacing fixes
    - Additional tweaks to initial power bar calculation
    - Readded spear square, currently only for Triarii
    - Tweaks to unit experience system, it is easier to get higher experience levels but bonuses are now working differently to be more with the new stat system. This means that maxed out units are less OP, while still being much stronger. Also each level now grants different bonuses to stats, while first exp level will give melee attack, melee defence and morale (and reload skill if ranged), second will give only attack and morale, third only defence and morale etc.
    - Celtic chariots improved but they will get more work in the future
    - Multiple tweaks to morale system, losing a general has a bit bigger impact on the AI now while again morale penalties were moved more in favour of local factors than global factors (for example if enemy left and center were routed but on the right wing AI has 3 elite guard units left, that did not suffer much losses or got tired, they will be able to still stand against you, as often happened in history, while levy units might not hold in same situation). Larger penalties for losing a general also puts bigger emphasis on units with disciplined trait as it cancels penalty for losing commander.
    - Lightly armoured dedicated shock units like Heroic Swords or Iberian Champions have increased damage assigned to their weapons. Hopefully this will make them stand out more compared to other troops.
    - Cavalry has speed value visible on their UI as their speed is assigned per round numbers, while infantry speed can't be displayed properly due to UI issue. This will also help with assigning correct cavalry speed in the future.
    - Fixed stat bonus for hollow square.
    - Added formation attack to Massalian Romanized unit.
    - Changed Suebi berserker animation to fix bug with missing weapons.
    - Renamed Weapon Deadliness to Armor Penetration

    Naval/Transport Changes
    - Removed most of the sea sickness effect on transports to try to fix the issue with AI suiciding its armies as transports into navies. Ram damage is still reduced.
    - Increased naval unit stats to compensate, added negative effect ("land sickness") for naval units fighting on land.
    - Improved patrol stance piracy reduction effect.
    - Added reduced piracy effect to military wharfs and increased piracy effect for trade/food ports.

    - Removed a base negative to political events triggering. This may also help with the failure rate of statesmen missions.
    - Added increased influence effect to political ranks and faction leader traits.
    - Added increased loyalty and influence to various Philosophy technologies for all factions.

    Other Fixes/Changes
    - Added some updated unit cards for Armenia and Boii (thanks to sourav!)
    - Fixed unuseable building slots in HatG campaign and IA campaign (new campaign only)
    - Fixed auxiliary barracks in Empire Divided and IA campaign missing garrisons.
    - Fixed HatG Massilia chapter mission text (new campaign only)
    - Fixed HatG Carthage characters sometimes starting in wrong party (new campaign only)
    - Fixed Magna Graecia emergent faction flag.
    - Changed wrong starting unit for Parthia in IA campaign and some starting unit sizes (new campaign only)
    - Made trade agreements a bit easier to get.
    - Reverted some CAI attack decision changes now that the suiciding AI/autoresolve bug is fixed.
    - Changed some CAI settings for HatG and CiG Rome to make them match GC Rome settings.
    - Changed emergent faction Sophene's culture to Armenian (new campaign only)
    - Fixed some building requirements for victory conditions in Empire Divided campaign (new campaign only)
    - Fixed some Pontic units not being properly available in IA campaign.
    - Swapped appearances for 2 Baktrian garrison units to better match their stats/roles.
    - Fixed banditry negative on tier 2/3 eastern guard building.
    - Fixed text under wealth/income heading labelled corruption instead of empire maintenance.
    - Increased public order bonus from Roman auxiliary barracks.
    - Fixed issue with public land chain for eastern factions.
    - Added negative banditry effects to 3 Governor skills: Demagogue, Farming Expert and Military Governor
    - Fixed various IA Iberian regions missing regional recruitment tags (new campaign only)
    - Fixed missing description for Illyrian garrison unit.
    - Changed Marian ships to have same hitpoints as pre-Marian ships.
    ,,Vae Victis"

  2. #22
    Megas Basileus / Młoda Gwardia Awatar Polemajos
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    30 stycznia wypuszczono wersję beta aktualizacji 1.2.2h. Każdy, kto chce, może przetestować w niej nową zawartość, którą zdołał do końca poprzedniego miesiąca przygotować zespół. Tworzą nią: częściowa przeróbka animacji, nowe modele uzbrojenia dla frakcji greckich i hellenistycznych, zmiany w systemie zaopatrzenia i standardowo, szereg poprawek do bitew i nieprzyporządkowanych elementów.
    W przypadku zmian w kwestii animacji, za którą odpowiada KAM, można wyszczególnić: pozbycie się formacji zwartej u jednostek, wprowadzenie u Rzymian i oddziałów pomocniczych przemiennego za pomocą przycisku ,,F" trzymania gladiusa lub pilum oraz zastąpienie śmierci żołnierzy na ,,zawał serca", czyli takich odnoszonych bez kontaktu z przeciwnikiem, na te ponoszone podczas rzeczywistej walki.

    Linki do pobrania wersji beta patcha 1.2.2h: Google Drive | Mediafire.

    Szczegółowa lista zmian:
    Animations Overhaul
    - Large FPS improvement in battles due to new animation changes.
    - Matched combat has been removed
    - Most melee deaths should now end with kill animations rather than the old "heart attack" deaths
    - Clash animations during infantry charges improved
    - Roman legion and auxilia custom animations - new animation when swords are drawn or pila thrown, press F to select melee instead of pila
    - Custom standard bearer animations for all factions
    - Fast walk/run bug for pikes fixed
    - Improved animations for all basic sword and shield units.
    - Roman infantry missing weapons in formations fixed, pila now properly held in formations.
    - Improved/fixed a couple formation descriptions.
    - New formation for Roman units - Hold Position.

    New Models (thanks to assurbanippal!)
    - Added new hellenic cavalry shield for some Macedonian, Epirote and Pergamon units
    - Added new hoplite spear that is slightly longer than the normal spear.

    Battle Changes/Fixes
    - Slightly increased unit HP and slowed down combat in general due to increased speed of melee with new animation changes.
    - Additional tweaks to morale system
    - Units under fire are a bit slower than before and get bracing penalty
    - Added encourage ability to First and Eagle Cohort
    - Many unit stat tweaks
    - Slightly increased armor value (due to lack of matched combat as above)
    - Tweaks to certain general skills like Battle Rythm which had a bit too big bonuses
    - Removed or reworked hidden unit stat bonuses from general rank (general still increases morale of nearby units and slightly increases their attack and defence) since generals already provide large unit stat boost with their skills from leveling up.
    - Units should be slightly more spaced out when in melee (they were getting a bit too close, which caused more iceskating or too many soldiers attacking single target).
    - Few tweaks to ranged and melee weapon damage.
    - Improved shock attacks from fanatic type spear units.

    Supply System (thanks to Litharion!)
    - Enemies, allies and vassals are now recognized properly by the system.
    - Removed a large amount of redundant/unused code for optimization, improved multiple parts of the script for performance.
    - Reworked supply overproduction shifts to adjacent regions.
    - Fixed winter/summer supply cut not working as intended
    - Reintroduced supply line blocking by enemy armies near your settlements
    - Fixed region tooltip not working under various circumstances
    - Fixed various bugs with supply production
    - Fixed various issues where supply bundles were not being correctly applied
    - Still various parts like baggage trains being worked on, this is step one of the overhaul

    Other Fixes/Changes
    - Added multiple new unit cards for older units, thanks to sourav!
    - Fixed hoplite spears disappearing while moving in formation.
    - Replaced some loading screens with new images, thanks to Jim_Riley!
    - Increased slave forum building's effects on the sell slaves edict.
    - Increased farm impact on the sell food edict income value.
    - Fixed naval land sickness effect reducing wrong stats (dmg and morale), reduced negative a bit to match naval stat inflation.
    - Fixed Pergamon pike unit having wrong shield size.
    - Added some slightly brighter colors for elite/noble Suebi units.
    - Added missing region/auxiliary recruitment to Asia province in IA campaign (new campaign only)
    - Large increase to diplomatic bonus from releasing troops after battle.
    - Fixed Roman civil town's banditry tier 3/4 bonuses.
    - Reduced Melee Attack and Defense bonus values from skills and traits due to new stat system (stats matter more)
    - Lowered loyalty bonus from technologies a bit.
    - Replaced vanilla factional mercenary units for IA Parthia (new campaign only)
    - Fixed Bactrian garrison unit cards.
    - Scabbards removed from Roman sword auxilia to reduce clipping.
    - Roman Eagle standard bearer lion pelt fixed
    - Fixed Scythian foot archers not being recruitable and being assigned to wrong factions in custom battle.
    - Moved Saka lancers down one tier in the barracks line.
    - Fixed AOR Sarmatian Lancers weapon entry.
    - Fixed Roman Scordisci auxiliary infantry unit size.

    - Welcome and thanks to our new team member assurbanippal who is working on new models.
    - Huge thanks to AllxAMERICAN from Steam for helping with the animation overhaul.
    - Big thanks to Jim_Riley for various new screenshots as loading images.
    ,,Vae Victis"

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  4. #23
    Megas Basileus / Młoda Gwardia Awatar Polemajos
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    Wydano aktualizacje do nieobligatoryjnej bety wersji 1.2.2h. Pierwsza, duża, tyczy się animacji i systemu starć, zaś druga, mała, wprowadza różne, pomniejsze poprawki, głównie do bitew. Divide et Impera wejdzie w pełną wersję 1.2.2h jutro lub nieco później.

    Aktualizacja nr. 1 (większa) - szczegóły:
    - Fixed pike animations using spear kill animations.

    Battle Overhaul changes from KAM
    -completely new HP/Armour system
    -spear units attack slightly lower but their defence is increased
    -spear units will now do better at defending from enemy charge rather than doing counter charge (except of assault spear units with with low armour and high charge)
    -each weapon is now much more unique and excels at different tasks (like anti elephant or anti armour)
    -larger differences between ranged weapons
    -cavalry, elephants and chariots now properly cause casualties from charge impact
    -cavalry charge depends vastly on horse quality and charge bonus. Light and low charge bonus units needs their targets to be softened up if they are going to charge heavy infantry, while having no problems with dealing large casualties when charging light infantry.
    -depending on quality, cavalry and elephant charge can distrupt enemy lines more violently.
    -some unit classes now show more stats in their UI
    -multiple fixes to unit stats and attributes
    -multiple unit quality tweaks - Persia now has more unique infantry.
    -units with Formed Attack now much more balanced, especially vs regular units.
    -elephants now much more balanced - due to hardcoded issue, their damage is unmodable and with previous HP system they were too strong in melee so I had to make them rather fragile. Now elephants deal reasonable kills in melee while being tougher. There is a noticeable difference in survivability between armoured and unarmoured elephants.
    -overall unit stats should be much easier to read and understand

    Aktualizacja nr. 2 (mniejsza) - szczegóły:
    - Bows have slighly lowered damage
    - Artillery crews less durable in melee
    - Fixed dismounted unit stats
    - Pike and Hoplie phalanx have bigger penalties for being attacked in the back or unshielded flank.
    - Velites and Antesignani have bonus vs elephants in melee
    - Fixed HP of Roman auxiliary skirmishers
    - New axe, falx and mace animations that better fit the weapon types.
    - Fixed Atr Elite infantry missing javelins in battle
    - Changed barbarian research building effect to be higher
    - Increased food from Roman forum building
    ,,Vae Victis"

  5. #24
    Megas Basileus / Młoda Gwardia Awatar Polemajos
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    Po 3. dniu marca nastąpiły dwie aktualizacje DeI: jedna oznaczona jako 1.2.2h, a druga jako 1.2.2i. Pierwsza z nich to pełna wersja zawartości, którą modderzy przygotowali jakiś czas temu; dodaje ona między innymi przeróbkę animacji, a także nowe modele dla jednostek i zmiany do systemu zaopatrzenia.
    1.2.2i to wersja aktualna, wydana 8 marca w związku z premierą DLC Desert Kingdoms i FLC dotyczącego kobiet starożytności. Czyni ona modyfikację kompatybilną z tymi dodatkami i wprowadza poprawki do pochodzących z nich nowości oraz do bitew i innych elementów gry.

    Gracze korzystający z wersji Steam Divide et Impera nie potrzebują pobierać nowych wersji moda w przeciwieństwie do osób grających na non-Steam'owym DeI: z GoogleDrive i Mediafire. Muszą one ponownie pobrać (i najlepiej nadpisać) te pliki:

    - dla graczy używających wersji z GoogleDrive: 1. plik, 2. plik.
    - dla graczy używających wersji z Mediafire: 1. plik, 2. plik.

    Szczegółowa lista zmian - wersja 1.2.2h:
    Animations Overhaul
    - Large FPS improvement in battles due to new animation changes.
    - Many elements of matched combat and prolonged engagements have been removed.
    - Most melee deaths should now end with kill animations rather than the old "heart attack" deaths
    - Much larger variety of kill animations for all unit types
    - New axe, falx and mace animations that better fit the weapon types.
    - New animations for spear archers and various mixed ranged units.
    - New wounded soldier animations rather than basic deaths.
    - Clash animations during infantry charges improved
    - Roman legion and auxilia custom animations - new animation when swords are drawn or pila thrown, press F to select melee instead of pila
    - Custom standard bearer animations for all factions
    - Fast walk/run bug for pikes fixed
    - Improved animations for all basic sword and shield units.
    - Roman infantry missing weapons in formations fixed, pila now properly held in formations.
    - Improved/fixed a couple formation descriptions.
    - New formation for Roman units - Solid Square.

    New Models (thanks to assurbanippal!)
    - Added new hellenic cavalry shield for some Macedonian, Epirote and Pergamon units
    - Added new hoplite spear that is slightly longer than the normal spear.

    Battle Changes/Fixes
    - Completely new HP/Armor system.
    - Additional tweaks to morale system
    - Weapon types are now more unique and excel at different tasks. Larger differences between ranged weapons.
    - Pikes and hoplites have bigger penalties for being flanked.
    - Units under fire are slower than before and get bracing penalty
    - Many unit stat tweaks, fixed some incorrect animations
    - Tweaks to certain general skills like Battle Rythm which had a bit too big bonuses
    - Removed or reworked hidden unit stat bonuses from general rank
    - Units should be slightly more spaced out when in melee
    - Improved shock attacks from fanatic type spear units.
    - Various changes to stats shown in UI for some unit types.
    - Unarmoured and assault infantry speed slightly increased.
    - Spear units attack slightly lower but their defence is increased
    - Spear units will now do better at defending from enemy charge rather than doing counter charge
    - Cavalry, elephants and chariots now properly cause casualties from charge impact
    - Units with formation attack are now much more balanced, especially vs. regular units
    - Elephants are much more balanced with a large difference in survivability between armored types.
    - Unit stats in general should now be much easier to understand and compare.

    Supply System (thanks to Litharion!)
    - Enemies, allies and vassals are now recognized properly by the system.
    - Removed a large amount of redundant/unused code for optimization, improved multiple parts of the script for performance.
    - Reworked supply overproduction shifts to adjacent regions.
    - Fixed winter/summer supply cut not working as intended
    - Reintroduced supply line blocking by enemy armies near your settlements
    - Fixed region tooltip not working under various circumstances
    - Fixed various bugs with supply production
    - Fixed various issues where supply bundles were not being correctly applied
    - Baggage trains: Improved animations, increased unit size, reduced stats and speed, now deploy in rear and have better stats when dismounted.
    - Refined supply line text so its clear it is creating a supply line not adding to existing ones.

    Other Fixes/Changes
    - Added multiple new unit cards for older units, thanks to sourav!
    - Fixed hoplite spears disappearing while moving in formation.
    - Replaced some loading screens with new images, thanks to Jim_Riley!
    - Added Macedon to AI major faction defense auto resolve bonus system.
    - Fixed bug when converting british temples to other types.
    - Increased slave forum building's effects on the sell slaves edict.
    - Increased farm impact on the sell food edict income value.
    - Fixed naval land sickness effect reducing wrong stats (dmg and morale), reduced negative a bit to match naval stat inflation.
    - Fixed Pergamon pike unit having wrong shield size.
    - Added some slightly brighter colors for elite/noble Suebi units.
    - Added missing region/auxiliary recruitment to Asia province in IA campaign (new campaign only)
    - Large increase to diplomatic bonus from releasing troops after battle.
    - Fixed Roman civil town's banditry tier 3/4 bonuses.
    - Reduced Melee Attack and Defense bonus values from skills and traits due to new stat system (stats matter more)
    - Lowered loyalty bonus from technologies a bit.
    - Replaced vanilla factional mercenary units for IA Parthia (new campaign only)
    - Fixed Bactrian garrison unit cards.
    - Scabbards removed from Roman sword auxilia to reduce clipping.
    - Roman Eagle standard bearer lion pelt fixed
    - Fixed Scythian foot archers not being recruitable and being assigned to wrong factions in custom battle.
    - Moved Saka lancers down one tier in the barracks line.
    - Fixed AOR Sarmatian Lancers weapon entry.
    - Fixed Roman Scordisci auxiliary infantry unit size.
    - Fixed Lugii political party name typo.
    - Fixed Spartan general's shield being blank.
    - Altered empire government type effects listing so they all show in the UI.
    - Fixed unuseable building slot in IA Numidia region (new campaign only)
    - Re-added Orthia temple for Sparta built off of tier 4 Artemis temple.
    - Fixed Dumnonii emergent faction banner missing icon.
    - Fixed IA Iceni having vanilla factional mercenaries (new campaign only)
    - Fixed Iceni slinger-spearmen unit missing Stamina ability.
    - Fixed Pontic Persian slingers missing from some building types.
    - Increased research bonus for barbarian research buildings.
    - Increased food bonus for Roman forum food/trade building.
    - Added encourage ability to First and Eagle Cohort

    - Welcome and thanks to our new team member assurbanippal who is working on new models.
    - Thanks again to sourav for his work updating older unit cards.
    - Huge thanks to AllxAMERICAN from Steam for helping with the animation overhaul.
    - Big thanks to Jim_Riley for various new screenshots as loading images.

    Szczegółowa lista zmian - wersja 1.2.2i:
    DLC Desert Kingdoms/Patch 19 Compatibility
    - Added small chance of women political characters for most factions. Nomadic factions and the Medewi have small chance of women generals.
    - Due to changes in patch 19 with the faction traits UI at faction selection, some things have been moved around. Political traditions are now found in the faction description, Starting Challenge is back where it is at vanilla (over the difficulty slider).
    - In order to properly work with the DLC, rom_meroe has been changed to rom_kush in the mod files. All settings for the faction should remain as they were, but it was a bit of a mess changing it over so please report any issues.
    - Our african/arabian factions are now locked by the DLC.

    Battle Fixes
    - Artillery a bit more accurate but weaker against buildings
    - Reworked damage dealt by battering rams and tortoise
    - Slightly lowered damage of dart throwers and gastrephetes
    - Lowered weapon attack bonuses from equipment effects to better balance with the new stat system.
    - Increased naval unit hitpoints to match new hp system.
    - Barbarian shield walls have a bit better damage and defense.
    - Nerfed Britonic axe unit.
    - Elephants now have slightly more hitpoints.
    - Small increase to spear bonus vs. elephants.
    - Fixed Scythian lancers missing a proper shield stat entry.

    Other Fixes/Changes
    - Fixed gastrephetes unit being available in some lower tier buildings
    - Fixed Arii missing commander unit assignments.
    - Fixed Epirus political party colors being too similar.
    - Fixed HatG Masaesyli having wrong political party power effects
    - Replaced some starting auxiliary barracks with normal barracks in IA campaign (new campaign only)
    - Removed some anachronistic hoplite mercenary units in the IA campaign (new campaign only)
    - Fixed Roman artillery crews missing torso armor.
    - Fixed Egypt missing multiple government types.
    - Added a bit more description of custom campaign systems to faction descriptions at GC faction selection.
    ,,Vae Victis"

  6. #25
    Megas Basileus / Młoda Gwardia Awatar Polemajos
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    Zaktualizowałem pierwszego posta o linki do pobrania bety wersji 1.2.3. Jako, że jest to odsłona testowa nowej aktualizacji, dostępna jest tylko w formie non-Steam. Wersja steamowa zostanie zamieniona dopiero, gdy modderzy uznają v1.2.3 za doszlifowaną.

    Uwagi co do bety v1.2.3:

    - należy pobrać obie części moda
    - w starych save'ach mogą następować drobne problemy
    - submody będą wymagać czasu do ich zaktualizowania

    Szczegółowa lista zmian v1.2.3:
    Update Notes

    Roster Overhauls

    Mauryan Overhaul
    - Almost all Mauryan units have had their appearance updated and multiple new units have been added.
    - Around 20 new models by our new modeller assurbanippal can be seen in this beautiful update, making this the most complete Mauryan roster you will find!
    - New custom reforms for Maurya based on battles with Baktria.

    Carthage Overhaul
    - All new roster for Carthage that replaces previous units, almost 45 new units in total!
    - Carthage now has a more unique and customized population system and roster along with a Mercenary Barracks system.

    Roman Appearance Overhaul & General Unit Changes
    - Thanks to the True Legions submod, many Roman and Italian units have had their appearances improved with a lot of new variety and special models added.
    - Along with these changes, many other older units from other factions have also had their appearances improved - especially the Celtic factions. This includes older vanilla textures and units from multiple rosters.
    - Added 2 new Egyptian units - Galatian Cleruch Thorax Spears and Gabiniani (Traitor) Legionaries.
    - Added new Syracuse unit - Core Gastrephetes (crossbows) recruited from siege building.
    - Moved AOR Dart throwers to Macedon to fit better with historical sources.
    - Added new Heavy cavalry unit to Epirus roster.
    - Added new Polybian Praetorian commander unit for Rome.
    - Added New Marian/Imperial variants for Polybolos and Ballista Roman units.
    - Fixed Scorpion is now a Pre-Marian Roman artillery unit while Cheiroballistra is a post-Marian version.
    - Many (most) units now have new historical descriptions in their UI panel, different from their normal unit description.

    Campaign Changes & Additions

    New Resource: Spices
    - An all new resource has been added to the Grand Campaign and Imperator Augustus Campaign - spices. Who will control the spice? The spice must flow
    - This resource has a different system from our normal resources because it comes from region effects in capital regions. It is only produced in the starting capital regions of the Baktrian and Mauryan factions, simulating the Indian spice trade, and in the Sabaean capital simulating their ocean trade with the east.
    - Eastern factions' spice trader forum building and the Seleucid/Baktria Satrapy Palace forum building now require spices to be upgraded past tier 2. However, they also now produce spices after tier 2.

    New Provincial & Special Capitals
    - Pella and Bibracte have been added as new special capitals (new campaign only)
    - Bibracte is the first barbarian special capital and has some unique bonuses for them as well as becoming more civilized looking as it is upgraded.
    - Provincial capitals for all cultures now have new names that reflect various government types and allied state options in their provinces in the spirit of Europa Barbarorum. For example, Rome can choose between a Provincial Roman Capital, a Latin Rights Colony or an Allied State (Amicus Populi Romani). This varies by culture type.
    - All special capitals now have a barbarian version so that the proper siege engine size is used in battles. This won't change how they function or look, its more of a technical change to allow for proper ladder/tower size, etc. It also allows us to add different effects for when a special capital is barbarian, like Bibracte.
    - This means that barbarian factions will have to convert special capital buildings after occupation. It also means in that in save games where barbarians own a special capital, the building slot will be blank.
    - Added new faction specific garrison units to most special capitals when they are owned by the original culture. These include Rhodian slingers for Rhodes, Cretan Archers for Knossos, Athenian Hoplites in Athens, etc.

    New Foreign Quarter Buildings
    - Foreign settlements are now available in various regions that are specific to the culture from that area.
    - These are only in the Grand Campaign for now and are buildable by factions of a different culture. For example, Rome can build a Greek Settlement in Greece, but Greek factions cannot.
    - Some factions, like Egypt and Carthage, can build all settlement types.
    - These buildings improve relations and spread the local culture but also have a negative if dismantled. They are relatively inexpensive and quick to build.
    - Various AOR units now garrison these foreign settlement chains.

    Change Capital System
    - There is now a button that will allow you to change your capital to any region on the map at any time! You will find it next to your faction emblem.
    - Thanks to Litharion for working on this really easy to use and intuitive system.

    Mercenary Recruitment Changes
    - Changed mercenary costs and upkeep. Mercenaries now have 25% higher recruitment and upkeep cost than normal troops.
    - This effectively is a large increase to their cost but a decrease to their upkeep compared to our current system.
    - We made this change so that mercenaries would be less of a temporary hire/drop unit and more of a permanent option as they were historically.

    New Population Effects
    - Some technologies now increase population growth. These can mostly be found in the economic and construction tech trees. Some factions like Carthage, the Successors and Rome also have bonuses to auxiliary and mercenary population types in their military tree.
    - Various cultures now have different base population growth bonuses. For example, Greek cultures get a small base bonus to 1st and 2nd class, while Rome gets a bonus to 2nd and 3rd. This should help add some differentiation between the cultures.
    - Population class 1 is now less impacted by overcrowding compared to the other population classes.

    Other Script Changes
    - Along with our new systems, older scripts have been updated and made more modular.
    - This should help with those making submods and those wishing to edit DeI's various script settings.

    Other Fixes & Additions
    - Fixed a rare crash issue when liberating or subjugating a minor town that hasn't yet been converted by the AI.
    - Changed building upkeep for military buildings and ports to a direct negative to income. Other upkeep kept as a % provincial negative.
    - Fixed some CAI personalities not having proper occupation decision priority settings so they weren't using our different cultural settings. Now Barbarians should be more likely to sack, Greeks more likely to liberate, Eastern factions more likely to vassal and Rome more likely to occupy.
    - Moved gold resource from Caucasia to Armenia province in Grand Campaign. Added timber resource to Caucasia (new campaigns only).
    - Added Great Dam of Marib for Saba, only buildable in their starting capital (new campaign only)
    - Added banditry reduction to Colonia public land buildings and to most barracks types.
    - Added some updated Suebi and Saba noble shield patterns.
    - Fixed thracian major cities missing some AOR recruitment.
    - Fixed multiple region effect bundles missing various effects.
    - Smaller destructible objects in battles now have more hitpoints and won't be immediately destroyed.
    - Fixed Sparta special agoge main city buildings being unlocked for other factions.
    - Changed Boii to Celtic subculture rather than Gallic.
    - Rebalanced some of the upkeep/cost technology bonuses so they are more properly spread out and fit better with each culture.
    - Egyptian Native pikemen now upgrade to their elite version after thorax reforms.

    Smaller Fixes
    - Fixed Armenian Medium Cavalry unit having ranged weapons assigned improperly.
    - Fixed some more hoplite units missing longer spear variant.
    - Fixed some unit cards not properly using new entries.
    - Fixed Massalian hoplites having wrong AI recruitment values.
    - Fixed unfaithful wife ancillary missing effects.
    - Moved AOR Campanian cav unit down to tier 2 buildings for Rome.
    - Fixed Bagaudas celtic unit card.
    - Fixed Pontic unit incorrectly having throw javelin ability.
    - Fixed caledonian spear unit incorrectly having fulcrum ability.
    - Fixed Arevaci spear unit missing expert charge defense, Edetani sword unit incorrectly having it.
    - Fixed Germanic youth levy javelin unit having wrong ammo amount and weapon type.
    - Fixed emergent cyprus faction having wrong culture (new campaign only)
    - Fixed Athenian pike unit missing from thorax reforms
    - Lowered chances of AI offering cash to player.
    - Lowered naval debuff a small amount.
    - Moved various Carthage and Egypt naval units down 1 tier for their respective special ports.
    - Increased Pergamon's faction trait bonus to hellenic diplomacy.
    - Fixed having duplicate tier 1 minor town conversion options.
    - Fixed various incorrect attribute groups on multiple units.
    - Fixed some units missing Stamina entries.
    - Fixed Seleucids missing Sarissa Cavalry in higher tier barracks.
    - Fixed various emergent factions and GC Breuci missing proper commander unit entries.
    - Slightly altered Egypt's AI recruitment priorities.
    - Removed various vanilla mercenary entries from some factions in the IA campaign (new campaign only)
    - Removed Arabian naval mercenaries from Eastern mediteranean in IA campaign (new campaign only)
    - Fixed 2 Colchis units missing concentrated fire ability.
    - Added loyalty technologies for gallic and daco-thracian factions
    - Removed throw javelin ability from thracian and epirote units that had it by mistake.
    - Changed emergent faction Macrinii and Karana banners so they are unique.
    - Fixed agent "Chieftain" label being mispelled
    - Fixed some cavalry with javelins animations not properly working.
    - Fixed African shield warriors description being wrong.
    - Removed pikes from Syracuse core roster.
    - Fixed egypt female politicians getting multiple political traits (new campaign only)
    - Updated historical character entries so they have less of a chance of conflicting with CA's new spawned characters. Increased time between CA's new spawned characters.
    - Fixed Pontic thureos sword unit having wrong population unit size.
    - Fixed IA Iberia faction using some older units.
    - Fixed sparta having too large population bonuses at higher tiers.
    - Lugii political party names changed to better represent tribes in the area.
    - Fixed a typo in some intro texts.

    Szczegółowa lista zmian v1.2.3a:
    1.2.3a Fix Update June 11
    - Recalculated unit costs/upkeep for some of the new units to better fit their new stats.
    - Fixed Eastern spice trader tariff effect having wrong values at tier 2 and 3.
    - Added tariff effect to barbarian trader commons building.
    - Small increase to AI likelihood to accept gifts (decreased it too much in previous patch)
    - Fixed 2 Carthage thorax units missing disciplined formation.
    - Fixed a typo in one of Rome's city building descriptions.
    - Fixed Rome starting AI army scripts to properly spawn a couple extra units based on difficulty when the player is not Syracuse, Carthage or Eprius (new campaign only)
    - Turned off Grand campaign script logging function, should improve performance a bit.
    - Reverted change to 1st class population overcrowding modifier as it was causing it to grow too much.
    - Lowered turn amount for the Carthage/Rome escalation script build up.
    - Fixed mistake in Carthage/Rome escalation script that resulted in one part repeating itself.
    - Improved the look of the new Egyptian Roman traitor unit and the Roman Scipio bodyguard unit.
    - Fixed Carthage elephant unit missing description.
    - Fixed mispelling in supply information window.
    - Added improved unit cards for Mauryans (thanks sourav!)
    - Added improved helmets for various Greek units (replacing old vanilla thracian helmet model)
    - Removed region wonder effects that spread culture to all regions until we can get them working properly.
    - Created custom instance key for Seleucid/baktria satrapy palace so it can be built with other forum buildings
    - Added some more effects to slums.
    - Pikes have a bit better defense, do slightly more damage and are better against cavalry.
    - Lowered Greek and Barbarian desire to liberate
    - Fixed incorrect rank depth settings for some units.
    - Fixed some Bactrian units population class and size values.
    ,,Vae Victis"

  7. #26
    Stara Gwardia / Ostatni Sprawiedliwy Awatar KLAssurbanipal
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    Darowizna dla mnie jako twórcy możliwa tutaj:

  8. #27
    Stara Gwardia / Ostatni Sprawiedliwy Awatar KLAssurbanipal
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    W ostatnich dniach twórcy wydali ciekawe uzupełnienie do kampanii Alexander. Są to postacie historycznych dowódców Aleksandra III Wielkiego wśród których znajdziemy Kraterosa, Kleitosa, Antygona czy Seleukosa.
    Jako ciekawostkę warto dodać, że portrety użyczyło studio Paradox z ich gry Imperator: Rome.
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    Divide et Impera 1.2.7 - publiczna beta

    Publiczna beta wersji 1.2.7:

    Po wielu miesiącach pracy z radością ogłaszamy, że nasza najnowsza publiczna wersja beta jest gotowa do gry. Jeśli chcecie ją wypróbować, możecie pobrać ją z poniższego linku. Ta aktualizacja zawiera wiele nowych funkcji i zmian, które szczegółowo opisano w uwagach. Chociaż ta aktualizacja jest stabilna i gotowa do gry, czuliśmy, że szersza publiczność skorzysta na modyfikacji ze względu na różne rodzaje wprowadzonych zmian. Jest też więcej przyszłych prac, które zostaną dodane w miarę przechodzenia przez wersję beta. Doceniamy wsparcie!

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