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10-09-2014, 14:35


http://wiki.totalwar.com/images/2/26/Octavian_map.png Rome - Octavian
Honour, Courage, Legacy

Shortly before his death, Julius Caesar adopted young Octavian as his son and heir. The Senate expressed little interest in observing the dead dictator’s will, but when Mark Antony’s anger and thirst for power boiled over into a direct attack on Brutus, the Senate took note of Octavian’s popularity with his father’s troops. Fearing a power-play from Marc Antony, they empowered him with the legal authority to intervene.
The senate then attempted to put Caesar’s legions into the hands of his very killers, but the soldiers’ loyalty to Octavian dictated events. Their fealty enabled Octavian to press ahead and enact edicts which outlawed his father’s murderers, reward the troops and proclaim himself Consul. Octavian sensed the precariousness of his position however, and met with Mark Antony and Lepidus to form the three-way dictatorship known as the Second Triumvirate. Though the lands he acquired emphasised his junior status, it was Octavian who marched with Mark Antony to confront Caesar’s killers – Brutus and Cassius – in the east. Victory at Philippi legitimised the Triumvirate and led to a new distribution of territory from which Octavian benefited at the passive Lepidus’ expense.
These new territories provide ample resource to feed and fund Octavian’s loyal veterans, and his control of Rome – with a Senate purged of dissenters – places him in a prime position to manipulate Marc Antony and Lepidus to his own ends. The time is now ripe for Octavian to realise Caesar’s legacy for himself!

http://wiki.totalwar.com/images/c/ca/Lepidus_map.png Rome - Lepidus
Status, Diplomacy, Vengeance
In Rome, to leave your fortunes in the hands of others is pure folly. This is the lesson which Lepidus learned the hard way. When Caesar was murdered, Lepidus held the position of Magister Equitum, or master of horses, which effectively made him second-in-command of the Republic. In the aftermath, he sided with Antony against Octavian, promising his authority and his troops in exchange for the position of Pontifex Maximus, or high priest. This led to the three generals negotiating the formation of the Second Triumvirate, which established him as one of the three absolute rulers of the republic.
In keeping with his status, Lepidus received the second-best allotment of lands after Antony. Satisfied by this, he remained as administrator in Rome while Octavian and Antony set off to defeat the last of Caesar’s murderers. The success of this expedition proved unfavourable to Lepidus, as Octavian and Antony used the prestige they gathered to redistribute control of the republic at his expense.
Instead of being rewarded for his loyalty, Lepidus was relegated to the fringe territories of Africa and Hispania by the union he had been instrumental in creating. But his dismissal may well be his foes’ undoing. While his ex-comrades menace each other, Lepidus is able to build his strength in the most fertile province of the republic. Freed now from any notions of loyalty, Lepidus could once again rise to the height of power by waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike…

http://wiki.totalwar.com/images/9/93/Marc_antony_map.png Rome - Marc Antony
Glory, Power, Control
At the time of Caesar’s murder, the prospect of assuming power looked good for Mark Antony. But even after he drove the assassins Brutus and Cassius out of the city, he was forced to toe the line by a senate terrified of another autocratic ruler. With Octavian leeching support from the Caesarian senators, the accomplished general and leader found himself increasingly sidelined.
In desperation, he besieged Brutus at Mutina, with the aim of seizing Gaul. Though Antony was defeated and subsequently outlawed by the senate, Lepidus joined him in response to Octavian’s threatened seizure of Rome, and helped stabilise the balance of power. When the three parties met and agreed to govern as the Second Triumvirate, it was Antony who received the lion’s share of territory, and placed in charge of the expedition against Caesar’s assassins.
Octavian was also present at the two battles of Philippi, but it was Antony and his forces that made the decisive contribution. Antony leveraged this fact at the re-negotiation of territories, and is now in sole charge of the east, with its fabulous wealth, trade connections and opportunities for military glory. Poised in this hotbed of potential, his ambition is to rise above his rivals in glory and power, and seize the ultimate command that was once so nearly his.

http://wiki.totalwar.com/images/5/58/Armenia_map.png Armenia
Empire, Growth, Pride
Armenia is familiar with the rise and fall of empires. Until it was conquered by the Medes, Its iron-age Urartu Kingdom was matched only by Assyria in size and power. Reduced to a satrapy, Armenia passed into the hands of the Macedonians, and latterly the Seleucids. But this subjugation had its benefits. Seleucid power eventually declined enough for Armenia to break away and become a sophisticated Hellenistic state in its own right.
Armenia’s prime trading location between the Black and Caspian seas gave rise to new cities and ushered in an age of prosperity that left it poised to restore its former glories. Tigranes the Great took advantage of the instability of the Seleucid Empire to seize Syria in 83BC, and a marriage alliance with Pontus soon cemented Armenia’s position as one of the largest kingdoms in the East.
Between Armenia’s rapid growth and Pontus’ aggressive western expansion, Rome was compelled to intervene, and sent an army to cut the two kingdoms down to size. Armenia was relieved of much of its territory and forced to become a client state. And yet, while this once-proud kingdom is still supressed, it has taken note of the Roman instability caused by Caesar’s death…
Trade connections guarantee wealth, mountains provide a defensive refuge, and its Cataphract cavalry is second to none. With Armenia’s history of rapidly building empires, can it rise to the challenge and do so again?