Zobacz pełną wersję : [Przegląd] Pergamon

26-10-2015, 22:50
Nadeszła kolej na poprawiony Pergamon w wersji 1.1 z nowymi 11 jednostkami.


Divide et Impera 1.1 Preview - Pergamon Overhaul

The general idea behind our overhaul of Pergamon is that while it is a Greek state, it had very limited nobility. Due to that, their traditional citizen units were very limited and generally the nobility fought among the cavalry. They did not employ pike phalanx as it required thousands of citizens to be an effective force. Also due to a limited citizen force, Pergamon used various foreign forces - Thracians, Galatians, Cretians and Rhodians, to count among dozens of others.

We also wanted to have some unique aspects to their roster above and beyond the inclusion of more Galatian and Thracian appearances. To that end, Pergamon employs some more unique, mobile, light units in later reforms that set them apart from other Greek factions. Also, while their noble units are limited but powerful, their other units are well armed and, eventually, have some Roman inspiration.

This roster overhaul adds 11 new units to Pergamon and will be included in 1.1. This is the final preview before 1.1's release next week.

Melee Infantry

Somatophylakes Thorakitai
(Elite Bodyguard Infantry) - These elite swordsmen are very nimble, and carry javelins and swords. Their heavy armor and great skill in battle makes them perhaps some of the most effective offensive infantry available to the Attalids.

Pergamoi Thorakitai
(Pergamene Thorax Swordsmen new) - These veterans fight in the Roman style.

Pergamoi Thureophoroi Machairaphoroi
(Pergamene Swordsmen) - Lacking enough citizens for their armies, the rulers of Pergamon hire mercenaries and local tribesmen. This unit is a mix of Galatians, Thracians, and Greeks - both in recruits and equipment. They serve as light assault infantry and are better than their regular counterparts.

Spear Infantry

Epilektoi Thorakitai Doryphoroi
(Elite Thorax Spearmen) - Hand-picked and armed with quality weapons and armour, these soldiers serve as the elite spear arm of the Pergamene army. These elite thorakitai use heavy armour but retain maneuverability, which gives them the advantage over old-fashioned hoplites.

Epilektoi Thureophoroi
(Elite Thureos Spears) - These warriors are the first line of an army, strong in defence against cavalry with their spears and deadly from range with their javelins. Relying mostly on light troops, the state of Pergamon arms their best troops with better equipment than other line troops.


Misthophoroi Peltastai
(Hired Greek Peltasts) - When money is not an issue, the Attalid kings prefer to use professional troops from other lands. These javelin-armed light infantry are imports hired from mainland Greece.

Pergamoi Epilektoi Peltastai
(Pergamene Elite Peltasts) - Unusually well-armoured skirmishers, these peltasts serve as the assault force of Pergamene armies, the first troops to storm into the fray.

Pergamoi Peltastai
(Pergamene Peltasts) - These skirmishers of Gallo-Thracian origin sensibly withdraw from threats while harrassing the enemy with javelins.


Somatophylakes Hippeis
(Pergamene Companion Cavalry) - The Somatophylakes are the heaviest cavalry the Attalid dynasty can muster. These nobles have the training and equipment to ride down any foe.http://i.imgur.com/LxI43n1.jpg

Pergamoi Hippeis
(Pergamene Cavalry) - Citizen cavalry of the home city-state.

Pergamoi Thorakitai Hippeis
(Pergamene Thorax Cavalry) - These mail-clad cavalrymen are well able to handle themselves in the cut-and-thrust of melee. They are example of a Pergamene mixture of both Greek and Roman influences.