Zobacz pełną wersję : Total Vanilla

12-01-2018, 18:26
Wyborna modyfikacja autorstwa 4zumi rozszerzająca podstawkę Medieval2 o frakcje i jednostki dostępne w Kingdoms a także znacznie powiększająca Mapę Kampanii o nowe prowincje.Nowe budynki,nowe jednostki,nowe eventy oraz nowe grywalne państwa.Jednym słowem coś co pozwoli Wam odświeżyć średniowieczne klimaty:


Mod summary/ change notes (changes in relation to the unmodded game)

New factions and faction changes

Mongols – starting far east at Karakorum. (If the Mongols are not played by the player, they will get a huge money boost from 1218-1300. If they feel like it, they could visit europe with some stacks.

Added from the kingdoms expansion as playable factions:

Ireland – starting in ireland obviously
Norway – starting in norway and on iceland
Lithuania – starting as a pagan faction with the possibility to convert to catholicism with the famous „catholicism wow“ campaign
Novgorod – starting in the old russia starting position, russland moved to kiev

New non playable factions:

Added the Apacheans from the kingdoms expansion in north america as non playable faction, Idle until discovered

New playable factions:

Damascus – starting in Damascus, with a mix of egyptian and turkish units and focus on heavy infantry and a rockettastic surprise.
Khwarazmian Empire – starting east of the caspian sea, with a mix of Middle Eastern Troops.
Cumans – starting north of the caspian sea, with a mix of turkish and mongol troops.
Caliphate of Bagdad (aka the Abbassids) – mostly egyptian units with faction unique dismounted Mamluks. Starting in Bagdad.
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia – starting in Cilicia as a orthodox nation surrounded by muslim empires


500 Units in game (too many to keep track of and list them)
Changed Pikemen spacing and values, should be more useful now
Integrated units from the Kingdoms Campaign (used GUAM v6 + others that were not included in GUAM)
Made some new units, like the Holy Sepulcher Sergeants, Berserkes, etc. Added Knights Lazarus (Jerusalem, Acre), Constable of Antioch, Franciscan Monks (Jerusalem) And even more units like the Constables of all Crusader states, etc... Removed the Mangonel.
Changed the firing stance of every gun unit, so they wont shuffle around. More range for ribault units + more ribaults
New units for the knightly orders (dismounted knights, teutonic hochmeister, sergeants, crossbow, etc.)
New units for the holy land, recruitable by catholic factions in the outremer training grounds, and available in special places like Jerusalem, Antioch, Edessa (Constable of Jerusalem, Knights of Antioch, Tripolitan Squires, and many more. They are only replenishable locally, exempt are the various Constabler.
Welsh Unit Rooster available in Wales by the Welsh Mercenary Building Chain. Can be replenished throughout Britannia.
Gunpowder Units now pack a lot more punch.
Dismounted mailed knights are available to all western factions
Outremer Units, Order Units, Welsh units, etc. can be replenished through a supply building.
Added Officers to unique units like the Constabler
Some unit balancing and some recruitment priority balancing (this is never finished only in an acceptable state)


World is round event happens on turn one
You can now travel to the Americas with every ship using the northern route, southern route and western route. You will see the AI make use of them fairly early.
No Mongol invasion, as they are playable now
Removed Timurid invasion, because the timurids are now the Cumans, Mongols gained theregore Timurid units, as the Timurids where Mongols with gunpowder anyway.
New event movie when apacheans get discovered
Lithuania can converse to christendom


Debt Script for AI Factions to prevent them from going into crushing debt. If the Ai is in debtthey cant build any more armies before they are out of debt, but they can still build buildings to help them get out of debt. So they wont stay dormant, because of a negative treasury. When they get out of debt and have a positive income, they will continue as normal and get no building cost bonus.


Added 2 new intro movies when the game starts up. Replaced the old one with them.
Added new main menue movie
Added new loading screens
Changed the campaign and battle interface for the european factions
Factions now have the appropriate sound/voices on the stratmap

Campaign Map

Added new settlements (198 now in total)
Expanded the Map to the east to Karakorum (a little bit squished), Americas are still there and expanded
Added new landmasses (Iceland, as hopping point to North America)
3 new trading ressources (Salt, Honey, Tar)
There are for the most 2 ressources in every province, they yield now more money (Some exceptions in the Americas)
Changed some starting positions and settlements to accomodate new factions
Doubled movement range for agents and ships.
Movement range for armies is now roughly 1.4 times, this fits well in europe and supports the long ranges in the east. A good sideeffect is, that an crusading/jihad ai army reaches it's destination quicker. Makes for an interesting gameplay.
No more floods, because after they occured they prevented building of watchtowers in this region
Ocean Routes. Specific Routes to the americas should now be much faster, because i made water corridors
Toned down Rebel, Heretic and Witch spawn
Buildable Stone forts, they tend to crumble if left not garrisoned
Rebelling captains, characters should now happen with lesser frequency (half)
Completely reworked the americas part of the map. The landmasses are bigger now and Mexico resembles now roughly its real world counterpart (one Aztec settlement placement is a bit off (i know that)). Also the landmasses are now much closer to the old world, so don't be surprised if you encounter the "new world discovered" event in the first few turns, as the ai now goes there. Granted, they are not very successful but at least they try.
Two new settlements in the Americas: Roanoke (I know, i know, not historical accurate but I liked the idea) and Chichen Itza.)
Beauty things, coastlines, climates, terrain, etc.
Some minor changes in settlement/ harbor placement and starting buildings/population
Two new landbridges (gotland, krim))
Complete rework of the region names and some settlement names thanks to Balsiefen, who made this vor the 1.0 version and I implemented it in this version
More free upkeep slots that are available in cities and castles. Free slots as follows: 2,4,5,6,7)


Reduced Building Time. No Building takes longer than 5 Turn.
Tweaked a few building times and prices for the new buildings
Tier 3 Roads (Highways) can now be built after the gunpowder event
Roads offer slight trading boosts
Ballista/ Cannon Towers provide a bit of happiness
Explorers Guild now provides Diplomats with traits and increae trade volume (Journeyman, etc)
Merchants Guild gives Merchants Journeyman Trait and offers recruitment of Silk Road Guards or Patricians Company Men at Arms in certain places.
Theologians guild now provides a conversion bonus and gives priests journeyman traits
Thieves Guild is now harder to get. Removed the trigger that gave all settlements Thiefes Guild points if a spy ended his turn in a foreign settlement
Masons Guild now gets a small amount of points from units recruited in a settlement
Swordsmith guild now grants experience to all units created, instead of the weapon upgrade
Woodsmen Guild now available for all factions
France, England, Spain, Portugal can recruit from city barracks: conquistadores and cuirassers (only in america)
HRE can recruit Pike, Zweihander, Pistolers from cities (only in america)
The Missionary unit can be recruited from churches (only in america)
Supply Lines – Guild, Welsh and Knightly Order units now can get replenished where this is build, Outremer Units are exempt, due to a hardcoded limit.
Unique Buildings (St. peters Basilika, Hagia Sophia, Kaaba, Dome of the Rock, Church of the holy sepulcher) with factionwide boni to religion and happiness
Unique Buildings in Toledo and Damascus – provides weapon upgrades, first local, the factionwide
Some more unique buildings, especially in the levant with new units, some of them unique. (Check Jerusalem, Acre, Tripoli, Antioch, Edessa) (oh, and check Prague http://www.twcenter.net/forums/images/smilies/emoticons/original.gif)
Welsh Mercenary building - supplies welsh troops (only buildable in Wales)
Buildings St. Peters Church, Order of St. Lazarus, Custody of the Holy Land, Tower of David, Order of the Sepulcher, and some more.
Castle Market – Provides a small trade boost in castles

Knightly Orders

The Knightly orders get a whole set of buildings. If you have a minor Chapter House in a city or castle, you can build the foot Quarters that give you access to the foot troops or other troops of the order, escpecially as the teutonic Order.
It is possible to get the hospitaller and the templar order at the same time. But not in the same settlement.
Every order gives a special bonus, so it is now more viable to go for templars too.
Example: Templar provide Morale for recruited troops.
Order troops now have more distinguished strenght and weaknesses (Attack (Templar) Defence (Hospitaller) Middle Ground (Santiago) The Beasts (Teutonic))


Slave/Rebel Faction Changed to Free Cities.
Dismounted Knights (Frankish, German,...) are now available as mercs
Merc skins and unit cards are mostly reworked, so they are more colorful and no longer this brownish tone.

Other Changes

There may be other changes, if I could remeber them all I would have a photographic memory... (modding is sometimes a very chaotic process)






13-01-2018, 10:35
Całkiem ciekawie to wygląda. Jest też coś takiego jak Kingdoms Grand Campaign. Wie ktoś może czy duża jest między nimi różnica?