Zobacz pełną wersję : Age of Wonders: Planetfall

20-05-2018, 22:34

Sci-fi incarnation of turn-based classic has players reach for new frontiers!

Today we announced Age of Wonders: Planetfall, a new upcoming strategy game from Triumph Studios, creators of the critically acclaimed Age of Wonders and Overlord series. Slated for release for PC and console in 2019, Planetfall will bring all the exciting turn-based empire building and immersive tactical combat of its predecessors to an all-new sci-fi setting.

In Age of Wonders: Planetfall, players will emerge from the dark age of a fallen galactic empire to craft a new future for their people. Exploring the planetary ruins and encountering other surviving factions that have each evolved in their own way, players will unravel the history of a shattered civilization. Fight, build, negotiate and technologically advance the way to utopia, in a deep single player campaign, on random maps and against friends in multiplayer.

“We’re thrilled to finally announce our latest endeavor alongside Paradox,” said Lennart Sas, Triumph Studios CEO. “Age of Wonders: Planetfall is roughly three years into development, running on a new generation of our multi-platform Creator Engine. While the setting is new, we’re confident that Age of Wonders fans will feel right at home exploring the remnants of the Star Union. Our aim is to make a game that greatly expands upon its predecessors, and still employs the core principles that made Age of Wonders such a success.”

Key Features:

Strategic Turn-Based Sci-Fi Combat - Perfect your combat strategy in intense turn-based battles that offer tactical challenges, a large cast of races, units with customizable weapons, and destructible environments.
Discover a Rich Science Fiction World - Uncover the history of the fallen galactic empire as you explore lush landscapes, and experience the emergent story. Encounter NPC factions and rival houses, and discover hidden technologies that can strengthen your society and give you advantage over enemies.
Planetary Empire Building - Create your own unique House, and build prosperous colonies through economic specializations of planetary sectors and governing doctrines.
Multiple Paths to Victory - Achieve your end goals through conquest, diplomacy or doomsday technologies. Engrossing options with NPC factions and rival Houses won’t make the decisions easy!

Those eager to get more information about Age of Wonders: Planetfall can sign up for the newsletter, and help unlock special community rewards.


Age of wonders w kosmocie

22-05-2018, 10:48
W sumie to nic nie pokazali. Ciekawe zaś to, że uderzają w silnik, który łatwo będzie przenosić na inne platformy, a to oznacza że jeśli nie zrobią tego porządnie, to gry będą szaleć wyskakując do pulpitu.

Pozostaje pytanie: Age of Wonders.... bez magii? Czyżby to miałby być klon Civilization Beyond Earth? Z rozwiniętą do poziomu Heroesów sferą bitewną.

12-08-2019, 20:39
Age of Wonders Planetfall jest już dostępny od kilku dni, więc można kupić i pograć.

28-10-2019, 17:01
Do gierki dochodzi pierwsze dlc



18-02-2020, 17:12
Mamy duży darmowy pacz.

W końcu powraca moja kochana opcja braku osadników.
Zmiany w ekonomi, gospodarce i technologiach.
Nowy balans klas.


16-04-2020, 18:43
W końcu pojawiła się zapowiedź 2 go oficjalnego dodatku. Z jednej strony jestem bardzo ucieszony, ale z drugiej potwornie rozczarowany że to nie jest nic związanego z wodą.

W menu przewidziano:

Shakarn – najnowsza grywalna frakcja w uniwersum Planetfall, która działa z zimną krwią godną najpodlejszych gadów. Ci bezwzględni jaszczuroludzie mogą posyłać do walki jednostki z kasty Zardas: wyposażeni w holograficzny kamuflaż żołnierze będą udawać wrogów, aby ich zdezorientować. Innym rozwiązaniem jest brutalny Domok, który bez pardonu wgniecie przeciwników w ziemię.

● Therianie – niezależna rasa zaprawionych w bojach wojowników, którzy przyspieszyli proces ewolucji, łącząc własny DNA z tym występującym u zwierząt. Dowodzone przez tajemniczą Łanię siły wykolejeńców zbiegły z macierzystej planety, aby skolonizować nowe światy. Strzeż się, aby z myśliwego nie przeistoczyć się w zwierzynę! To równie potężni sojusznicy, co wrogowie.

● Najazdy Voidbringerów – zmierz się z najtrudniejszym wyzwaniem w końcowej fazie gry: wykorzystujące wojnę międzywymiarową tajemnicze siły Voidbringerów rzucą na twoje imperium masy zniewolonych żołnierzy. Możesz zniszczyć ich transmitery i zneutralizować astronomicznych rozmiarów armie albo... poddać się, ulec zniewoleniu i podbić wszechświat w imię otchłani.

● Globalne wydarzenia – od teraz przebieg walk może zakłócić 20 odmiennych i niespodziewanych klęsk żywiołowych: od powstań piratów, przez huragany aż po rozbłyski słoneczne. Każda z nich okaże się prawdziwym sprawdzianem umiejętności adaptacyjnych gracza Planetfall.

● Dodatkowe misje w kampanii
Zaryzykuj spotkanie z nieznanym: bądź świadkiem inwazji frakcji Shakarn na terytoria Ligi Równych Planet, eksplorując dwie nowe mapy kampanii. Ludzie sądzili, że podbili już wszystko, tymczasem olbrzymia galaktyka Planetfall nadal poszerza swe granice…

● Podbite światy
W tym trybie z dużo mocniejszym przeciwnikiem musisz sformować sojusz, aby pokonać potężną, wrogą siłę. Jedna osoba rozpoczyna grę, kierując mocarstwem, podczas gdy reszta zawiązuje przymierze, aby razem powalić olbrzyma na kolana. I nie daj się ponieść zazdrości: wymierzający mieczem ciosy szybko sami mogą trafić pod karzące ostrze.
Kopiowane z steamy.


Strona Steam

13-10-2020, 18:57
Właśnie wyszła zapowiedz 3 dlc Age of Wonders: Planetfall Star Kings

Hello Everyone!

Today we are proud to announce the 3rd expansion for Age of Wonders: Planetfall! Star Kings follows the new race, the Oathbound, on their quest to regain the Grail Configuration from the heart of Star Union space in order to create a new Galactic Empire. Star Kings will be released on all platforms on November 10th, along with a massive patch that we’re calling Triceratops!

The Oathbound

The Oathbound are noble champions, chosen from amongst the common people, to pilot mighty battlesuits named Paladins in defense of humanity.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/2eNtJ6aHyybOxNEHG_oH8PUsRVGI-yPWZ1iTRaTT4UY9kyqfj_LFavverI_eAHJz8VtwjyI3zw20BjY a_f5nubiZ-MenjWZJHiY18ufOMdS99YmsWbxYiOvCuHQJISjF8INB6tFN

The Champion is the tier 3 Paladin, and is one of the only flying tier 3 units in the game. It specializes in charging into the thick of enemy formations to cause maximum disruption. It can use Storm Discharge to leap into the middle of a group, doing arc damage in an area around itself, and then follow up with its defense mode. When in defense mode, the Champion is Tireless, allowing it to trigger overwatch multiple times per turn (though never more than once per target). This combined with Swooping Overwatch (which allows a flying unit to trigger melee overwatch on ground units that move underneath it) and Against all Odds (+5% evasion for every enemy unit within a 2 hex radius) make the Champion a threat to every nearby enemy.

The Oathbound are guided by the mysterious Seers, who use hyper-advanced data processing systems to predict the future.

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/KohTajtg8BA_IG6HLD4hG5_q-l3gyo8l05lOIMy-k5qoPI1ZnAiOkKc_vAoCNI_cpnPcjsr5jSka4CPOBhICXmVfiA crUX7LkGpNd1776TYyIxveoUB3a11gvFn5obwGb7hhakRL

The Watcher is the tier 2 flier unit, and its job is to manipulate the flow of fate in battle to guarantee victory. Gift of Providence is a buff that guarantees every attack the targeted unit makes will be a critical hit (if it hits). Lash of Adversity is a debuff that jumps to up to 3 enemies, and guarantees every attack they make will be a fumble.

Like all Seers, the Watcher uses ranged Entropic weapons (though without the Energy Drain mechanics used by the Heritors), and the Oathbound have a new line of weapon techs to boost entropic weapons even further. Seers also have Record Keeper, giving a 25% experience gain boost to all non-Seer units in the stack by carefully logging the heroic deeds of their allies.

Grail Configurations

These ancient devices are hidden, scattered across the galaxy, and are said to channel the very essence of order. Grail Configurations are of tremendous value to the fledgling empires of the galaxy, granting powerful bonuses that all but guarantee victory if used correctly. These Grails are not simply waiting on the surface to be discovered however, you will need to dedicate time and effort to unravel the mystery of their location.

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/V0hnzvAN_TrtAaYnySdeIS-LCtf-csJ2JwKZpMCFukb24Cq1e4XZqflLRE0Q28EO1mz_-s8ttxFGwobwkunC3LDeJTHospgFH7UOqUv__ovSGWSAW2tzyt9 KViFf3fNR_nAwyNeN

New Wildlife

The DLC contains a host of new wildlife units, such as the Mycelians. The Mycelians are the result of an attempt to create a new type of fungus based meat replacement. The research was cut short once the modified (and delicious) mushrooms became sentient and began to infest the nearby agricultural equipment, resulting in terrifying fungus-cyborg monstrosities.

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/wCV18rZUF2bkqk82U2V-_8Q6fy_f3o2cDPKpQnl39iMMuzqBxuKH2YYYmX83cQnSzMil_S bSoY3z9lLYm-Zo8jOZYUwdzSQ3kknTNoKzmN3t_wRfOJHrp3bL_rMlqtC3Kolj d6Ot

The planter is the mid-tier Mycelian, and was once a device employed to replant fields and woodland. It’s seed dispersal system has been infested by the mycelian and now sprays corrosive seedballs, while it’s tree planter now launches a sapling that infests targets in an area with a fungal growth that immobilizes the target and causes them to explode on death. Mycelians become even stronger in groups due to Mycelian Connections, granting them bonus shields and damage to enemies with Fungal Infestation.

Galactic Empire System
This feature is actually free as part of the Triceratops Patch, but it’s so big we’re going to talk about it here anyways.

This is a new meta-layer where each planet you complete gets added to your own Galactic Empire. When you add a planet to your empire it becomes more powerful, unlocking more bonuses and special options which you can take with you to help conquer the next planet.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/3vt-VHf4PqOEvY70ZrT0nGnHDeH84QVZNa41Hd31CR5KIkpi2EpcWC McA3hDLWgFZzNApuXSSoCE0lpi8dfpLf6C0cKQ9OMObaws4hGm B10JDlkTTtMP5BLPQUU42e-N4LulyLUM

The planets you conquer in Galactic Empire Mode have special traits, such as having the oceans replaced with impassable void, or being covered in nuclear fallout. These traits are paired with extra secondary objectives for you to clear in order to earn more XP for your empire. Some secondary objectives even grant you the victory upon completion, allowing you to claim planets for your Galactic Empire faster than regular planetary domination! With nearly 60 traits in the update and up to 4 traits per planet, each planet you conquer feels like a new and unique challenge!

More is to come!
In the coming weeks we’ll be releasing more dev diaries that go into more detail about the features in the upcoming expansion and free patch, and I will be streaming the game from next Monday (the 19th) to show off what we’ve made!

Both the expansion and patch will be released on the 10th of November, but we’ll have plenty more to show you between now and then!
