Zobacz pełną wersję : Smutna wiadomość dla fanów

21-02-2019, 01:50
Niestety 22 lutego 2019 r. serwery Areny zostaną wyłączone. Oto pełne oświadczenie CA:

Greetings Commanders!
This is the final reminder that live service is ending at 10:00 UTC on February 22nd, from that point you will not be able to play Total War: ARENA.
Thank you to all who played with us over the last few years and joined us in pouring heart and soul into ARENA. We have been consistently inspired by your incredible passion, and as these last few months have shown, many of us have built friendships within the community that will last for a long time.
Please also note that if you haven't yet claimed your free piece of Total War content then this is your last chance to, so please go in-game to claim it.
Aside from that, all that's left to do is to sit back and enjoy a few final battles.
Thank you,
The ARENA Team