Zobacz pełną wersję : Napoleon: Empire Realism - NER

19-05-2010, 22:49
Na razie bez tłumaczenia. Tekstu naprawdę dużo. :) Może ktoś chętny się podejmie?

http://www.twcenter.net/forums/download ... le&id=2834 (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=2834)



Wrzucę szybkie tłumaczenie instalacji dla tych, co słabo znają język Szekspira (sama instalacja jest banalnie prosta i nawet bez znajomości języka można mniej więcej to ogarnąć, ale tak na wszelki wypadek):

Ściągnij NER (archiwum rar).

Wypakuj archiwum do folderu data w katalogu z NTW (czyli folder ze steam/steamapps/common/napoleon total war/data)

Po tej czynności w folderze data powinny widnieć następujące pliki:
NER_Combat.pack *
NER_Essentials.pack (fx)
NER_Text_en.pack (english)
Ich obecność oznacza, iż mod został zainstalowany prawidłowo.

Tutaj nie wiem o co dokładnie chodzi z tymi gwiazdkami, bo nie mam moda, ale może okaże się pomocne:
* use this for the SP mode, and move the NER_Combat_MP.pack out of the data folder
Użyj tego, aby grać w trybie dla jednego gracza, wywal plik NER_Combat_MP.pack z folderu data (przy czym zaznaczam, że "wywal" oznacza przeniesienie, a nie usunięcie)
** use this for the MP mode, and move the NER_Combat.pack out of the data folder
To samo co wyżej, tylko plik inny.

Miłej zabawy.


Download the NER file.

Extract the NER rar-archieves into the NTW data folder.

Install path: program files/steam/SteamApps/common/napoleon total war/data

Afterwards you must see the following NER pack files in this data folder:
NER_Combat.pack *
NER_Essentials.pack (fx)
NER_Text_en.pack (english)
With this step, the installation is actually done.

NER_Combat_MP.pack ** -> attachment, at the bottom of this post.

* use this for the SP mode, and move the NER_Combat_MP.pack out of the data folder
** use this for the MP mode, and move the NER_Combat.pack out of the data folder

Install hint: Do not list the NER mod packs within your user.script file.

Start the game in the same way as you would start NTW vanilla.
Install control: Check out if the line infantry unit has a musket range of 85.

Important notes:

#Since v0.75:
We use packs with the same file names without version-numbers, for all NER future updates the NER pack files will be overwritten with the newest NER pack file(s).
So if you are asked to overwrite a NER file, say yes to all.

# For v0.76 installation only:
To get the mod working properly in case you have installed the 0.75 NER packs, you have to remove the following formerly used NER pack(s) from your data folder:
- NER_Esentials (since 0.76: NER_Essentials)

# Since v0.76 we have added a new file NER_Text_en.pack
- This file contains our text changes (units etc.).
- Different installed mods with text changes? The player needs to decide which text loc file he uses, as only one works for NTW (just have only one within the data folder at the same time). For NER use NER_Text_en.pack to have our texts properly displayed.

# Mod compatibility:
Only the below listed mods (see: mod recommendations with NER) are usually tested by the NER team together with NER. In all other cases: Please do not ask. If we know of by us tested mods working properly within NER, then we will list them successively. A must-have for NER: Modified deployment zones.

# Settings:
[Path: users/(your computer name)/AppData/Roaming/The Creative Asembly/Napoleon/Scripts]
- NER-default unit multiplier is x2 (means the default NER mod is optimised with this setting for the line campaign_unit_multiplier in the preferences.script.txt - same folder as user.script.txt). Replace the current number with the number 2. This setting is successful done, if you have for example 320 men per line infantry.
- To remove the unrealistic camera shaking (canons), create/edit/use the user.script.txt file and add this line: battle_camera_shake_enabled false;

# Saved games:
- It is advised to start a new campaign with every new (bigger) update-version (too much is then changed, what can have potencial to cause trouble, like crashes).

# Difficulty setting:
- Campaign mode development is balanced on H, Battle mode development is balanced on H.
- A question of gameplay taste. With VH/VH the human player will be just a bit more in trouble with the AI as with H/H, while the realism gameplay-factor is merely decreased with VH/VH compared to H/H.
- Also we think that with VH/VH the AI acts merely in an arcade style in every aspect (campaign and battle), what might hinder the AI more than that it helps.

# Extra versions:
- Attachment: NER_Combat_MP.pack (multiplayer), see change log 0.75.1 (incl. a hint for the installation of this pack).

************************************************** ***********************************************

# Extra-Infos:

There is a Steam community group active for everybody who wants to play NER against human opponents.

************************************************** ***********************************************


CHANGE LOGS (written by DaVinci and JaM)

Version 0.76 (compatible with NTW patch3 and Coalition DLC units)

- starting unit experience via buildings again slightly overhauled.
- additional Line Infantry units added (partly with unique textures and unit icons/cards), start with 0 exp (recruitable in barracks and gov buildings), represent for now rapidly trained infantry troops, cannot make square, else capable troops. These unit additions are already pre-sets for a later ZoR/AoR system (internal wip), what will look then different also for these early unit additions.
- regular Line Infantry units start always with at least 1 exp (recruitable in barracks buildings), represent the experienced infantry troops.
- the additional infantry units dependent on conscription researchment.
- militia (europe) now dependent on mass mobilisation researchment.
- militia units now 1 turn recruitment.
- all Cavalry with horse regionID requirement, as well as certain special troops (elites, lights, skirmishers), or just unique with the capital region.
- ship movement rates adjusted.
- researchment: changed Diamond Formation to Army Organisation, is precursor for Army Corps Organisation, provides -1% upkeep land units.
- researchment: reserved Army Movement + Logistics for France alone (better historical reflection).
- lowered other upkeep boni researches, adjusted some other unit boni per research.
- tax system overhauled: some buildings (economy, admin) increase and some buildings (culture, education, military) decrease the tax income, besides high buildings (culture, education) have additionally slight global tax penalty effects. Whole economy effects: the whole plan was to decrease the bombastic high income in the game after ca. 1 year. Now all the boni with researchment and buildings have a real higher relevance, besides that the strategical part of the game needs a closer planning. GB is clearly the exception, means they get still a huge income, especially if played cleverly by the human player. France has very probably second high chances for a big cashflow, and then Russia.
- other global boni modifiers (global regression bonus added to 3rd and 4th tier admin, 5th tier increased slightly).
- Ottoman recruitment significantly changed (examples: a lot more units from on Drill Square, some more from on Barracks incl. Cedit Line Inf, Cedit Line Inf dependent on researchment Army Organisation, Irregulars moved to gov string).
- Coalition DLC units, recruitable from on military academy, slightly changed costs/upkeep, recruitment 2 turns (DLC units must have been bought via Steam, of course).
- small ships now represent privateers - they have zero upkeep so they gain a lot of money by blocking trade lines.
- trade Sloop available from lower trade tiers.
- recruitment limits tightened - ship limits are based on historical data of ships available in 1805-1815.
- increased the Recapture value from 2500 to 3000.
- slight changes in other CAI tables for some rare lines.
- reduced Merge Units from 5000 to 3000, as i guess the high value goes on the costs of other priorities. Other minor value adjustments.
- France values adjusted slightly once more (AI shall be more agressive).
- lots of adjustments to naval values - AI will buy more trade ships, should act more actively.
Text loc: (new NER pack file added ... the player needs to decide which text loc modfile he uses, only 1 is allowed, this one is needed for NER to properly display our texts, it's the english text version).
- name/description entries for the new added line infantry units.
- some certain units renamed.
- researchment texts changed accordingly (incl. the already changed Fire and Advance to Army Movement).
- complete units stats overhaul.
- 0 exp units now represent inexperienced soldiers with no battle experience.
- minor tweaks to artillery resistance.
- ship hull resistance values.
- faction specific naval guns introduced, balistic improved, short range gunnery is much more effective than long range fire.
- Brigs got 18pdr carronades - now they require Carronade research.
- ship damage textures improved.

Version 0.1

Combat changes:
- double rank fire to all units (skirmish behavior)
- adjusted ammo, accuracy and musket ballistics
- formations are tighter for line units, so even with double size of men they are still in three ranks.
- ship hulls made more resilient to damage
- ship accuracy and reload now depends on ship size - larger ship, more stable firing platform, better accuracy... so now its better to have big ship over lots of small ones... no longer you can destroy SOL with brigs and sloops...
- morale adjusted - units will break if they suffer high casualties, no longer they will fight to death Spartan style..
- naval morale adjusted, ships will surrender sooner, you can capture ships now instead of sinking them.
- naval projectiles adjusted, they are proportionally balanced, light guns do light damage but are faster to reload.

Version 0.2

Combat changes:
- ship speeds lowered, stats now shows realistic speeds, no longer speed 20 Frigates etc..
- adjusted damage of naval guns vs sails. Large caliber guns are able to do lots of damage even with solid shots, chain-shot still best choice against sails.
- small tweaks to fatigue values.
- Grenadiers no longer have grenades, they didn't carry them during Napoleon Era, Grenadiers were melee specialists..
- Grenadiers and light Infantry now have same amount of men as Line Regimens.
Campaign changes:
- Campaign map movement adjusted. Light cavalry is now ideal for scouting and raiding, infantry guns have same speed as line regiments, heavy arty is slower...

Version 0.3

Combat changes:
- Grenadiers HAVE scary enemies ability
- Stakes removed from light infantry and skirmishers for good
- Young guard now represent elite light inf
- land unit experience table rewritten
- further adjustments to naval morale (raking fire now makes big morale hit to the enemy)
- infantry accuracy and reload stats adjusted, more differences between elite and standard regiments
Campaign changes:
- campaign movement adjusted more - British units and generals are slower (-2), French faster (+2), cavalry marshals like Ney or Murat have same camp. movement points as light cavalry so it is wise to use them as cavalry commanders
Fx changes:
- radar map unit icons changed to larger versions (separate pack)

Version 0.4

Combat changes:
- naval stats reworked, ships of the line have now stronger hulls, turning rates toned down.
- battlefield movement speed reduced
- BAI adjusted with Luntik's mod, generals now less likely to commit suicide Thanks Luntik!
- experience tables rewritten, accuracy improvements are smaller, reloading better with higher experience
- unit accuracy and reload stats adjusted, units are more country specific (will be even more improved in next versions)
- armor values for Cuirassiers adjusted - French Cuirassiers now have armor bonus for using full cuirass, other countries used only front plate, sometimes no armor at all...
- howitzers now have flat trajectory for canister shots
- musket dispersion slightly lowered, short range fire (under 40m) will be more deadly
- "scary enemies" trait removed from Grenadiers as it was just too much for AI to handle...
Campaign changes:
- removed Fire and Advance Drill (research tree not adjusted, will be changed in next version)
Fx changes:
- tracers removed Thanks flagcarrier!

Version 0.4.1

Combat changes:
- reduced long range accuracy a little by decreasing effective range to 35 (original value 40)
- projectile dispersion for muskets slightly higher (4 -> 6)
- small tweaks to charge distances for infantry and cavalry

Version 0.5

Combat changes:
- fixed bulletproof generals.
- slightly lowered artillery crew resistance to gunfire (so now they can be sniped by light infantry units more effectively)
- increased number of pellets for canister shots, also increased dispersion (bigger is the caliber more dispersion it generates - high dispersion is good thing for killing infantry at short ranges,but it is not so good at longer ranges..
- slightly increased movement rates
- small tweaks to morale and fatigue values
- reduced long range musket accuracy (30->25)
- heavy cavalry is slightly more resilient to musket fire, Light cavalry will not get tired as fast as heavy or medium cavalry (3 to 1 difference)

Version 0.6

Combat changes:
- unit stats (infantry, artillery) rebalanced, more faction specific - British are now better shooters, Russian good in melee, French have higher morale, etc..
- fatigue slightly improved to accommodate larger maps
Campaign changes:
- rakes now cannot murder generals
- steam-, ironclad-, rocket-, bombketch ships removed from campaign recruitment
- militia now takes 2 turns to recruit, guard units 3 (originally 4)
- adjustments to unit costs and upkeep per unit class and relevance
- diverse buildings costs and turns adjusted, while barracks now can be built faster
- militia class units removed from diverse buildings (redundant entries in vanilla), now only via the government building tiers recuitable
- unit recruitment default exp points overworked them for quite all units incl. ships, factionwise different
- researchment points increased, significantly for the higher tier advancements, which are merely out of the timeframe
CAI changes:
- Campaign AI tweaks (separate mod file) - increased priority to recapture
Fx changes:
- new radar map icons (again,separate file)

Version 0.6.2

Combat changes:
- skirmisher class will take normal casualties from ranged fire
- line infantry have now more ammo (+5)

Version 0.7

Combat changes:
- 2-rank formation for cavalry (only exceptions are eastern cavalry units like mameluks or kazaks which have dispersed mob formation.)
- slightly increased musket accuracy, ammo reduced a little (having too much ammo makes ammo unimportant.. from realism perspective, soldiers normally have 20-60 rounds, but they often throw away their ammo to get themselves from the combat zone to "replenish their ammo")
- reload rate increased (so mass volley is worth the wait against shooting enemy unit)
- fatigue tweaks - combat is very tiresome thing, units in long melee will tire very fast - counterattack with fresh troops will be very effective!)
- howitzer effectivity toned down - no longer they will create huge craters or wipe out half of the unit - their shells were quite unreliable, most of splinters ended in land or in the sky)
- artillery cannonballs now have less speed to not bounce wildly - this makes them better hit the enemy (shorter flatter bounces more likely hit the unit.
- canister shot effectivity slightly increased (aprox +5%), dispersion slightly reduced (10->8)
- skirmishers now have reduced morale - they are more likely to break if they are charged by cavalry or line infantry - they are not melee specialists. (French Chasseur regiments are now intermediate unit between skirmisher and Line, Voltigeurs are true skirmishers)
- elite units of other(non-French) European countries got slight morale boost - Russian Guards will hold!
- generals bodyguard unit now will have higher morale to make them less likely to rout when taking looses.
Campaign changes:
- rakes now can duel other spies,gentleman and assassins
- lancers and certain elites moved up in building tier, so they are not recruited so soon, instead of them, Dragoons were moved down to second tier building as a early heavy cavalry
- diverse campaign parts like recruitment and experience changed again incl. number limitations, buildings (cost and turns), units (costs), technologies (research points) once more adjusted.
CAI changes:
- CAI tweaks to make British AI occupy trade nodes (increased priority from 500 to 1500), increased number of infantry per army ( from 60 to 70%, cavalry 20%, artillery 10%)

Version 0.7.1

Combat/Camp changes:
- slightly increased movement over hard terrain
- units now represent regiments, so you will have just one Old Guard, Pavlovsk Grenadiers, Black Watch..etc...

Version (compatibility-fix for latest vanilla patch)

Combat changes:
- artillery projectile resistance decreased (-10)
- light infantry can form square
- skirmishers now represent double-companies, their projectile resistance is increased as they are in open formation and supposed to use natural cover wherever possible
CAI and campaign changes:
- increased treshold for helping Allies 500 -> 2000
- increased minimal amount of units per stack (5 -> 10)
- increased amount of units when split is allowed (from 5->10)

- compatibility fixes: removed stakes again, recruitment now works as before, and others

Version 0.73

Combat changes:
- good stamina for horse units, light infantry, elite regiments and grenadiers. They still will tire fast,but will recover stamina faster than normal units
- armed citizenry, Opelchie etc... got column formation with only first rank shooting.they also got more men (200 vs 160)
- Grand Battery Convention unit got 12pdr guns instead of "fantasy" 18pdr field guns - 12pdr was a standard caliber for heavy field gun, nobody was using heavier guns for field battles.
- Naval overhaul - hull resistance increased, maneuverability of ships significantly decreased, speed of ships with the wind is faster (sloops can sail faster than any other ship sharp against the wind) morale increased to offset the increased hull resistance (also graphical), now guns and crew are main thing that gets destroyed - morale penalties adjusted accordingly. (so if ship looses 40-75% of its guns it will get significant morale penalty (no ship would fight with 75% of its gun destroyed...)
- tradeships and indiaman stats fixed (accuracy,reload morale reduced)
- unit sizes changed to 160 per line unit,120 light (French 160), 60 skirmishers.(vanilla sizes)
Campaign changes:
- research turns for some technologies adjusted (military faster), unrealistic researchments removed, and new: fire&advance provides now +5% campaign movement bonus
- complete overhaule of the economic cashflow (new buildings tax-system, trade income adjustments, diverse boni/effects changed)
- capital got high relevance for the recruitment (elites), recruitment/unit limitations adjusted again, generals recruitment access/number increased
- units activated for the campaign, GB: KGL light dragoons, KGL dragoons, KGL light inf, Dutch flanquers, KGL line inf

Version 0.74

Naval combat changes:
- gun damage and range revised
- naval guns survivability slightly increased
- large guns (12-32 pdrs) now don't fire chainshots but solid shots -historically every ship had very limited number of chainshots as (3-10 per gun), plus they were not really used too often as chains tends to damage gun bore.
- anti-sail fire is now possible at extended range, but with higher dispersion.
- large guns now fire double-shots instead of grapes (exception are carronades). Large guns are low on decks so their fire goes against hull mostly for which grape is useless. only small guns on top decks have grapes as they fire at decks. Double-shot has reduced range (same range as grapeshots), but also reduced damage (due to less powder charge) so it is not overpowered against AI that much. (full salvo from normal solid shots is more damaging to hull, double-shot+grape is good against crew and guns)
- Carronade Frigate now is 48 gun Razee model with 24 pdr guns on lower deck and 32 pdr carronades on upper deck. (we already have 32 gun Frigate,but we don't have any 44-48 gun models...)
- Gun types revised for all ships, French SOLs got 42 pdr gun to simulate French 36 pdr (damage and range adjusted) which was 39 pdr per British standards and very close in capabilities to British 42 pdr (high damage,but very slow reload). French Ships also got 9 pdr instead of 6 pdrs (lowest gun used on French Frigates was 8pdr which is close to 9 pdr British (French pound is 0.48kg, british pound just 0.45kg), so French 38 gun Frigates are now worth capturing
- Indiaman adjusted - got 12 pdr instead of 18 pdrs, accuracy and reload reduced. (this is based on armament of few Indiaman i found info about like Kent (captured by French famous corsair Surcoff) ,Warren Hastings (captured by French Frigate Piemontaise) or Nothingham (large Indiaman with 1200tons and 60 guns)
- British ships got Flintlock guns with reduced probability of fails - per some historical mentions, flintlock system used on British ships was very reliable, allowing them fire more precisely. others still used less reliable "match on stick systems"
- France now has 64 and 50 gun ships.
Land combat changes:
- unit LOS value reduced to 0.25 to 0.5. Line infantry in column now wont fire from rear ranks that much.
- French Infantry now moves faster on battlefield than others - now column bayonet attack is possible.
- Column formation got morale bonus so unit is less likely to break on advance
- morale thresholds adjusted - should fix cavalry routing problems slightly
- fatigue adjusted, firing and reloading now more tiresome
- exhausted status gives now higher morale penalty than very tired (-6 vs -4) as it is last fatigue state
- ammo reduced across the board -5
Campaign changes:
- Ship recruitment changed - now warships are recruitable from trade ports
- France has admin advantages incl. the attached advances
- Britain has economy/industry advantages incl. the attached advances, and ship recruitment shorter
- Russia has unit cost advantages
- research points adjusted for some technologies
- several fixes to unit recruitments (Old guard, 18th Brave etc..)
- and many other small tweaks to campaign gameplay

Version 0.74.1

Campain changes:
- Increased quite a lot building construction times and costs (mainly admin and culture), except the ones for military.
- Faction-symbol buildings got significant higher turns and costs, as indeed the most if not all were built out of the timeframe.
Foreseen result: A bit slower campaign pace/progress in regard of cultural and administrative aspects.
CAI changes:
- Increased GB naval priorities
- Increased Help Ally priorities for all
- Slightly lowered the Expansion value for France

Version 0.75

Combat changes:
# Naval (Combat.pack)
- reduced hull strength, damage is slightly easier to make
- naval morale slightly lowered (-2 across the board), upper level morale penalties increased. This was needed due to decreased hull resistance ships tended to sink again, now they will surrender rather than sink.
- further ammo tweaks - there are no longer just three types of ammo - instead guns fire projectiles based on gun type - broadside guns on main gun decks dont fire chain-shots,but solidshots - they produce less damage to sails,but have much longer range than chain-shot,which allows long range cripling fire. Guns on upper decks still fire chain-shots, but those are very inacurate and have limited range (grape-shot range) but can cause much heavier damage to sails. Chasing guns fire solid-shots too, but with much higher accuracy than normal guns - those guns are aimed by best gunners, and have a good chance to cripple chased enemy. Broadside guns also instead of useless grape-shots
(they are too low to have any effect) fire double-shot (two cannon balls at once) at short range (grapeshot range). again, upper-deck guns still fire grape-shots, as they are aimed at enemy decks and have good chance to cause damage to crew. carronades are exceptional in this role.
- projectile accuracy and dispersion for naval guns adjusted - round-shots fired at hull are most accurate, but slightly less accurate against sails (fired at upper degrees), doubleshots,chainshots and grapes are all low accuracy projectiles and should be only used from short range.
- wind level adjusted - sailing direc into wind is no longer posible with square rigged sails. only sloops can sail into the wind, but at reduced speed.
- sailing speeds adjusted to match real ship speeds of the era - Frigates are fastest ships with 12-14 knots, SOLs can do 8-11 knots. Brigs and sloops have max speed 10-11 knots,but are much better maneurable. Frigates are now true cruisers capable outrun everything stronger and outgun the rest...
- naval guns vulnerability adjusted, now gunfire cause most damage to crew, then to guns and hull
- Indiaman now uses 50gun SOL model which is closer to reality than 58gun ship - Indiamans were sometimes bought by navies to fulfill the role of 4-rate SOL.
- new damage textures for ships, ugly square holes are gone forever!
# Land (Combat.pack)
- complete overhaul of projectile and artillery resistance for all units. Cavalry now is smaller target to artillery, its profile was reduced from vanilla 6x larger than infantry, to 2x larger value. infantry values are also adjusted, where line infantry have higher value than light infantry and skirmishers - especially skirmishers have low profile as they are considered kneeling or lying on the ground (skirmishers profile is 2x smaller than value of line infantry.)
same is true for artillery,both guns and crews. Artillery crew is much more vulnerable to musket fire than before, they can be sucesfully sniped by lights or skirmishers.
- volley fire fixes to militia units, now they should not fire with more tahn two ranks from columns.
- all carbine equiped cavalry (chaseur Cheval,etc...) can now dismount,not just dragoons.
- fatigue levels adjusted, unit in charge is not getting tired by it. this should help attacking unit to overcome morale penalties taking during attack. (especially should help cavalry). also reload and shooting fatigue increased. units in prolonged shooting duel will get tired and will be much easier to break.
- knockdown values reduced significantly - soldiers no longer fly into the air from cavalry charge (just ridiculous), it also allows cavalry to run through the thin line formation! or better mix with enemy cavalry.
# Generals feature (Combat.pack)
- charge values reduced to 1
- artillery resistance increased significantly (x20) so they will be less likely to take casualties (kills will occur, but only from 100% direct hits).
- they will be shock resistant, so they will not run away from battlefield after few casualties
- they will be able to dismount - so it will be possible to protect them inside the square (thanks to small amount of men) or hide them inside the building or similar
- charge value for general staff unit reduced to 1. AI will not use general at charging enemy lines (until he has no other units)
All these changes are done to properly simulate General unit - he is there to provide morale bonuses, not to fight!
Campaign changes:
# Campaign (Campaign.pack)
- Unit costs and some upkeep increased, especially: Light inf, Skirmishers and cavalry, but also ships and canons; adjusted upkeep of infantry units, some recruitment costs as well.
- Removed some exp from 1st tier barracks, but all cavalry have/got exp; French fusiliers keep 1 exp with 1st tier.
- Usual French units get less exp with higher barracks (just to increase slightly the challenge for the French player).
- Slight adjustments to the exp points for the canon recruitment (mainly decreased the exp).
- Ship recruitment: Experience changed along a slight new plan (GB increased still more, other factions still less experience via recruitment), but with slight differences as for game-play/balancing purposes (otherwise some factions wouldn't have any advantage from higher port recruitment); British Frigate Razee got respective exp points; Russians can recruit all their ships via trade ports (Black Sea).
- 2 units added to GB's two highest barrack tiers (London): Dutch Line Inf, Brunswick Line Inf (with limited recruitment number, as always).
- Supply building line got positive recruitment cost-change, means it decreases recruitment cost instead of increasing formerly.
- 2nd and 3rd tier roads are now only available in the capital region.
- Other small tweaks to different building boni (some single and global effect codes).
- Building costs increased.
- Construction turns increased.
- Diverse building and technology boni/effects adjusted.
- Researchment "Fire and Advance" (= map movement +5 in NER) is now requirement for Logistics.
- Removed some economical and ship technologies from Ottomans (they too often led the prestige-table economy, sea and other, completely unrealistic, Ottomans were merely on the decline, at least they should not lead the tables compared to Europeans).
- Removed some unit access and technologies from some explicite rebel-factions or factions which didn't had access to certain military (example: Ireland, Cossack Rebels and such).
- Diverse other little fixes.
# CAI (CAI.pack)
- Just tried new values here and there.
Hope that works better especially for GB (who sucked recently if led by the AI), GB still slightly a bit focus on naval and trade, but much less than before. Still France has the most agressive values. All other factions are more on "defence" and "recapture" and "help ally", while "expansion" is still a relevant high value.
Fx changes:
# New file added: NER_Essentials.pack
- projectile trails removal, new radar icons and new ship damage models/textures are now contained in this pack.

NER 0.75.1

# Land Combat (Combat.pack)
- number of men increased for general's staff to reduce probability of General's death in auto-resolved battles (thanks for the public reports).

NER 0.75.1 Multi-player version
With this version you don't need to have multiplier set to x2, just be careful not to have both NER_Combat.pack and NER_Combat_MP.pack in Data folder at the same time.
# Land Combat (Combat_MP.pack)
- because its not possible to use multiplier in MP games, all units got 2x more men.
- Horse Artillery got 18 men and 3 guns.
- morale for light infantry was slightly increased (in single player mode this would cause AI to use Lights as normal Line Infantry and often hold the ground instead of proper skirmishing behavior).


Mod Founder
JaM: Main development, testing (focus-department: coding/producing the Combat.pack, Combat_MP.pack, Essentials.pack; partly: Campaign.pack, CAI.pack, Text.pack); management
Joined post v0.5
DaVinci: Main development, testing (focus-department: coding/producing the Campaign.pack, CAI.pack, Text.pack); management (forum and team coordination)
Lord Zimoa: Historical advice, testing (focus-department: consulting, campaign and battle mode development)
Joined post v0.75.1
Gill: Unit Maker, graphics (focus-department: producing new units, unit skinning)
Seijitai: Researchment, creative fx-person, testing (focus-department: historical detail researchment); co-management and public promotion/relations person
Joined post v0.76
FilipVonZietek: Betatesting (focus-department: multi player mode)
St. Cyr: Betatesting (focus-department: single player mode)

Parttime, freelancer, guest modder

MCM: Support, testing (joined the team post v0.6, departed the team after the 0.75 release)
♔Pdguru♔: Battle mode testing (joined the team post v0.6, departed the team after the 0.75 release)

For the ones who wanna know from where we come: Empire Realism
NER is a kind of a NTW successor mod development of Empire Realism (ETW modification) in diverse aspects (modding style).


External Credits

Mod work used within NER or inspired by:
Luntik - Generals suicide-tendency fix
Flagcarrier - tracers removal mod
Baron von Beer - Modified deployment zones mod (a highly recommended mod for NER)
Bethencourt - Certain naval changes inspired by his ETW mod

Without modding tools, nothing would be possible. The work on community tools is incredible.
The makers of the PFM, thread-link: NTW Pack File Manager

20-05-2010, 00:59
Wrzucę szybkie tłumaczenie instalacji dla tych, co słabo znają język Szekspira (sama instalacja jest banalnie prosta i nawet bez znajomości języka można mniej więcej to ogarnąć, ale tak na wszelki wypadek):

Ściągnij NER (archiwum rar).

Wypakuj archiwum do folderu data w katalogu z NTW (czyli folder ze steam/steamapps/common/napoleon total war/data)

Po tej czynności w folderze data powinny widnieć następujące pliki:
NER_Combat.pack *
NER_Essentials.pack (fx)
NER_Text_en.pack (english)
Ich obecność oznacza, iż mod został zainstalowany prawidłowo.

Tutaj nie wiem o co dokładnie chodzi z tymi gwiazdkami, bo nie mam moda, ale może okaże się pomocne:
* use this for the SP mode, and move the NER_Combat_MP.pack out of the data folder
Użyj tego, aby grać w trybie dla jednego gracza, wywal plik NER_Combat_MP.pack z folderu data (przy czym zaznaczam, że "wywal" oznacza przeniesienie, a nie usunięcie)
** use this for the MP mode, and move the NER_Combat.pack out of the data folder
To samo co wyżej, tylko plik inny.

Miłej zabawy.

20-05-2010, 14:11
Szybciej się angielskiego ludzie nauczą niż to przetłumaczycie. Tak poza tym to zbyt dobry mod dla polskich powergamerów uzależnionych od turniejów.

20-05-2010, 14:29
W sumie prawda :)
Za tłumaczenie tego powinno się kogoś opłacić :D

20-05-2010, 15:55
Trochę tego nie rozumiem, do grania w Totalwary wystarczy podstawowa znajomość angielskiego, nawet z gier można się tych podstaw nauczyć.

22-05-2010, 15:40
Zauważyłem w tym modzie ze jednostki co prawda strzelają podwójnym szeregiem, jednak tylko pierwszą salwą. Potem drugi szereg w 3/4 stoi i nie ładuje.Może już poprawili?. Pewnie bardzo realistyczne jest to ze ogień muszkietowy jest bardzo niecelny i pułki strzelają do siebie dłuuuugo az sie prosi o atak na bagnety, jednak dla mnie to wada, walą do siebie z 20 metrów i mierny efekt. Podoba mi sie to ze odział generalski to około 10 ludzi wiec zapomnijcie o atakowaniu nim, oraz to ze brytyjskie pułki maja 2 szeregi a francuskie 3.

24-05-2010, 14:27
W modzie oddział (320) symbolizuje batalion w skali 1:2. Co do ostrzału dwoma szeregami, 2 szereg zazwyczaj strzela niewiele gorzej od pierwszego ale to zależy od ukształtowania terenu. Co do skuteczności ognia, pełna salwa na 20 metrach ma dość drastyczne skutki a podczas szarży od ostrzału może paść nawet kilkudziesięciu ludzi.
Sam w multi doświadczyłem sytuacji gdy moje 2 bataliony Młodej Gwardii po krótkiej wymianie ognia powstrzymały ogniem muszkietowym szarżę 2 Grenadierów Pavłoskich i batalionu Muszkieterów.

artilery detonator
28-05-2010, 00:23
"Co do skuteczności ognia, pełna salwa na 20 metrach ma dość drastyczne skutki a podczas szarży od ostrzału może paść nawet kilkudziesięciu ludzi."

Czy ja to dobrze rozumiem? czy w tym modzie skutecznośc ostrzału muszkietowe gozależy od odległości? to byłoby super, ale coś nie wierzę.

30-05-2010, 10:37
nie wiem jak w tym ale w innych modach jest coś takiego ze im bliżej oddział stoi tym ma większa skuteczność, celność strzału,
mod jest ok ale jest niedokończony, po pierwsze pułki strzelają często tylko jednym szeregiem - zależy to od ukształtowania terenu
na płaskim jest to 1 szereg na wzgórzu strzela więcej szeregów, mod ma słabe udźwiękowienie i grafikę, NOW z kolei ma super grafę i dźwięk ale realizm słaby.
W tym modzie realizm jest maksymalny, rozegrałem bitwę morską 1 vs 1 ship. udało mi sie otworzyć linie T na mapie ( statki bardzo wolno sie poruszają - jak w rzeczywistości) i pozbawiłem wrogi statek żagli, potem podpłynąłem bliżej i z 20 minut masakrowałem go pełnymi salwami (100 salw?) ogołociłem go z masztów, takielunku, wybiłem 2/3 załogi, pozbawiłem większości dział, a ten dopiero pod koniec zaczął mi uciekać- ale nawet nie myślał zatonąć i paski burt miał całe zielone . w końcu sie poddał .w innym modzach np trom 2 wystarczy z 10 salw z bliska 5 min i po statku.

30-05-2010, 12:35
skoro wytrzymał tak długo, to raczej trudno nazwać to realizmem. 10 salw to najwięcej ile mógł wytrzymać statek.

30-05-2010, 17:11
możliwe ze to bug , mod to beta 0.76

15-06-2010, 18:34
A jednostki są jakieś dodatkowe, typu Wolny Legion Irlandzki? czy cuś?