Zobacz pełną wersję : Empire Realism

22-04-2011, 10:28
Przestawiam państwo mod mający na celu przede wszystkim poprawę realizmu w grze.
Empire Realism (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=487352)


- Fatigue Replaced with unit cohesion. Units with low cohesion will fight less effectively and will be easier to break. Standing still restores unit cohesion.

- Rate of fire significantly increased to cope with unit movement. Now units can fire several salvos at advancing enemy until they close out. short range salvos would be very destructive, so plan your attack accordingly.

- Accuracy and lethality of small arms adjusted, skirmisher weapons will deal more damage, due to aimed fire, while line infantry shoots without aiming.

- Improved battlefield spotting. Native Americans will be very hard to spot by standard Line infantry, They will be able even fire hidden (bows, muskets). Practically all units will be able to hide in forests, but only Lights in Scrub and only skirmishers will be able to hide in long grass. Skirmishers will be able to spot enemy at longest distances, while artillery and Line at shortest. Light cavalry will have similar spotting bonuses as Light infantry, so they will be good at scouting. (but skirmishers will be able to hide even from them) This will make terrain finally matter something, and also, it will make Native Auxiliaries very important when fighting in North America (or your units will get ambushed by hidden natives and attacked from flanks and rear)

- Artillery overhaul. There will be several tiers of artillery:
- initial "fixed" artillery (which represents obsolete 17.century guns) will have two types - lighter type (9pdr sakers) and heavier type 18pdr( former demicanons). They will be slow to reload with low accuracy (based on caliber). They will be very slow to move on campaign too. Crew will have very low morale, so once engaged they will bail out and run..
- Artillery Reorganization will bring again two types - lighter type (9pdr) and heavier type (12pdr). Those will be slightly more accurate and faster to reload due to better manufacturing process. Crews will have better morale because now there are no civilians as part of crew. These guns will also have better mobility on campaign map, and it will be possible to move them on battlefield (slowly). This tech will make former fixed guns no longer recruitable. Explosive shells will be available with this tech, but only for mortars.
- Artillery Advancements again, will bring two types - lighter type (6pdr) and heavier type (12pdr) and howitzer . Those guns will have improved accuracy and reload speed due to another improvements in manufacturing process etc.. (this tech might be reliant on some technology research like Coke blast furnace and measuring tools). These guns will have improved campaign and battlefield mobility (they were 40-50% lighter than predecessors! For example Valliere 12pdr weight was 1500kg, while Gribevauls 12pdr weight was 900kg). Crews will have again improved morale (they were now assigned to certain type of gun, while before they could operate different types every battle). This tech will make older guns obsolete and not recruitable anymore. This tech will also make carcass shot available, while quicklime will be removed from game.
- Horse Artillery will add Horse artillery units - light 3pdr and 6pdr. Best available artillery unit in ER3 is also Horse artillery 9pdr Guard Horse Artillery available from highest Artillery tier building.
- Artillery Revolution will add shrapnel shot, will be prerequisite for percussion shells and Rocket technology.

Big change will be that no artillery unit will be recruitable from Minor Barracks - This will probably hurt some minor factions, but it is necessary to have obsolescence properly modeled, plus it will make North America and India wars slightly less cannon heavy.

This will also put quite a difference in artillery performance, especially if you face somebody with older artillery technology - your gun-crews will be more accurate and will have higher morale, so unless enemy battery has much more experience, your guns will destroy his with ease. Also old fixed guns will be very vulnerable to any sort of attack due to low morale, they might get routed after several shots or seeing cavalry charging their position..
Mortars get projectiles with heavy damage against the walls, but very slow reload so they are not very useful at open battle.

- All faction specific units will be only recruitable from home land provinces only -for example French will be only able to recruit French Line infantry in France, not everywhere else.

- Navy overhaul. Small privateer vessels are not only constructable when "letter of Marque" is researched. Minor factions wont be able to construct heavy ships without some research first. Early Ships of the line will be obsoleted by Late versions. More ships now has technology requirements.
Pirates now are not able to built heavy ships, only small corvettes and small galleons.
Armed trade ship is added - Armed East Indiaman, armed with 40 guns, but more costly than ordinary trade ship. Just don't expect to survive against military grade ships in 1 on 1, armament is good enough against pirates and privateers.
Ship maneuverability adjusted, ships will now turn better (based on size)

- Cavalry progression. There will be two new cavalry technologies which will allow recruitment of more advanced cavalry. former diamond and wedge formations are removed. Early western cavalry has pistols and attack slow. more modern cavalry use shock tactics instead.

- Campaign modification - starting armies now have some experience, factions also gets their realistic starting technologies. Major factions now starts with own colonies in America, so stabilizing them will make their play slightly harder especially for British.

- Infantry technologies adjusted. Live fire training now makes muskets slightly more reliable, while second level adds more accuracy to units.

- Improved Campaign AI. AI will try to develop provinces more, trade more with others to have more money, which will make it more dangerous in the long run. Diplomatic relationships now have more influence, so be careful not piss everybody off to have you and unite all against you to destroy you. You might be able to handle several factions at once, but once all major factions are in war with you, you are in huge trouble... Therefore i suggest to try to form long term alliances.

- Unit stats update - several units are redesigned, Gorodskyie Streltsy now have matchlocks, Militia cavalry transformed into Early Heavy cavalry (armed with pistols) etc..
Unit stats will be slightly improved, defense reduced, formation improved. Eastern factions will get slightly more deeper and tighter formations.

- Economy overhaul. Having built up economy now presents a lot of money. Advanced buildings provide more revenue,but are dependent on technology more. Certain strategic buildings reduce cost of units - Lumber mills reduces costs of ships in the province, Iron Works reduces cost of artillery etc..

- Game fixes - Warpath campaign playable (technology tree is visible) and many more game fixes.

autor: JaM

25-07-2011, 16:09
Ten MOD jest jakis przykry np. Gwardia Przyboczna chodzi mi o konnice ma premie szarzy 4 :roll:
I czy jest do niego spolszczenie czy cos?

26-07-2011, 07:27
Do modów ETW i NTW nie ma spolszczeń.

27-07-2011, 18:27
W modzie tym mam chyba bug ale nie jestem pewien, mianowicie:
Kawaleria Przyboczna ma u mnie 4 do premii szarzy :roll: , po prostu szarze są nie opłacalne :roll:

12-10-2011, 14:59
Jest już nowa wersja 3.0- pierwszy post.

12-10-2011, 23:07
Mod wygląda świetnie. Mam pytanie czy w Empire Realism występuje więcej jednostek niż w podstawce? Czy autorzy moda zrobili też jakiekolwiek przeróbki wyglądu jednostek (mundury)?

13-10-2011, 19:09
Mod zajmuje tylko 20mb, więc wątpię...
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