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Zobacz pełną wersję : Wydarzenie Gajusz Mariusz

17-08-2012, 18:04
w kampanii jak wszyscy wiedza jest wydarzenie "Gajusz Mariusz" a ja chce mieć tez te jednostki przed tym oto wydarzeniem. Czy jest ktoś kto może mi pomóc?

17-08-2012, 19:26
Odpal własną bitwę i masz :lol:. Jednostki pojawiają się po wydarzeniu, więc nie ma szans. Możesz co najwyżej ręcznie, poprzez edycję plików, dodać do budynków te jednostki jako rekrutowane. Nie wiem czy wiesz, ale event z Gajuszem Mariuszem pojawia się kiedy wybudujesz pałac cesarski. To jest najwyższy poziom rozbudowania osady. Możesz przy użyciu kodów na zwiększenie ludności i automatycznej budowy już w pierwszej turze mieć to co chcesz. Tylko nie wiem po co :roll: .

17-08-2012, 20:30
a możesz mi powiedzieć jaki to plik? :)

17-08-2012, 20:41
Główny plik > data > export_descr_buildings

recruit "roman city militia" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman hastati" 0 requires factions { roman, } and not marian_reforms
recruit "roman infantry auxillia" 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms
recruit "roman princeps" 0 requires factions { roman, } and not marian_reforms
recruit "roman legionary cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms
recruit "roman legionary first cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource rome and marian_reforms
recruit "roman triarii" 1 requires factions { roman, } and not marian_reforms
recruit "roman legionary cohort ii" 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms
recruit "roman legionary first cohort ii" 0 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource rome and marian_reforms
recruit "roman praetorian cohort urban i" 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms
recruit "roman praetorian cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms

E: Jeśli nie wiesz jak przerzucić jednostki do innego budynku, to mogę ci napisać jak ;).

17-08-2012, 20:51
napisz bo nie za bardzo się ogarniam w tym kodzie :)

17-08-2012, 21:35
To kiepsko. Jak wstawię ci gotowe tutaj, to wszystkie wcięcia w tekście znikną. A całego pliku ci nie dam, bo mam starszą wersję i może coś się nie zgadzać.

recruit "roman hastati" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman infantry auxillia" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman princeps" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary first cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman triarii" 1 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary cohort ii" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary first cohort ii" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman praetorian cohort urban i" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman praetorian cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, }

Skopiuj to, wejdź w export_descr_buildings i wyszukaj "building barracks". Po słowie "capability" masz spis rekrutowanych jednostek w danym budynku. Tak więc wyszukuj tego "capability" i wklejaj to co ci podałem aż do "building equestrian". Jeśli znajdziesz linie jednostek w których jest coś po nazwie frakcji (czyli np. "{roman, } i dalej masz np. "no_marian reforms". To usuń je i w ich miejsce wklej tak jak wcześniej.

Przykład 1

Koszary 1 poziomu

recruit "carthaginian city militia" 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit "barb infantry briton" 0 requires factions { britons, }
recruit "barb infantry dacian" 0 requires factions { dacia, }
recruit "barb infantry gaul" 0 requires factions { gauls, }
recruit "warband spear german" 0 requires factions { germans, }
recruit "barb horse archers scythian" 0 requires factions { scythia, }
recruit "carthaginian city militia" 0 requires factions { carthage, }
recruit "numidian javelinmen" 0 requires factions { numidia, }
recruit "east infantry" 0 requires factions { eastern, }
recruit "egyptian nubian spearmen" 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
recruit "greek hoplite militia" 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit "roman city militia" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman hastati" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman infantry auxillia" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman princeps" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary first cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman triarii" 1 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary cohort ii" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary first cohort ii" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman praetorian cohort urban i" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman praetorian cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, }

To co jest pogrubione, to jest to co masz wkleić. W taki właśnie sposób. Pamiętaj, że wszystko musi być równe, żadna linia nie może odstawać. Może się tak zdarzyć, że po wklejeniu jakaś linia będzie dalej lub bliżej niż reszta. Wtedy wyrównaj tabulatorem lub spacją.

Przykład 2

Koszary ostatniego poziomu (maksymalnego)

Tak jest na początku :!:

recruit "carthaginian city militia" 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit "carthaginian infantry" 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit "spanish scutarii" 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit "barb infantry briton" 0 requires factions { britons, }
recruit "barb infantry dacian" 0 requires factions { dacia, }
recruit "barb infantry gaul" 0 requires factions { gauls, }
recruit "warband spear german" 0 requires factions { germans, }
recruit "barb horse archers scythian" 0 requires factions { scythia, }
recruit "warband sword briton" 0 requires factions { britons, }
recruit "warband sword gaul" 0 requires factions { gauls, }
recruit "warband axe german" 0 requires factions { germans, }
recruit "warband falx dacian" 0 requires factions { dacia, }
recruit "barb warguard gaul" 0 requires factions { gauls, }
recruit "barb warguard briton" 0 requires factions { britons, }
recruit "barb warguard dacian" 0 requires factions { dacia, }
recruit "warband dhaxe german" 0 requires factions { germans, }
recruit "warband axe scythian" 1 requires factions { scythia, }
recruit "carthaginian city militia" 0 requires factions { carthage, }
recruit "numidian javelinmen" 0 requires factions { numidia, }
recruit "carthaginian infantry" 0 requires factions { carthage, }
recruit "numidian desert warriors" 1 requires factions { numidia, }
recruit "carthaginian medium infantry" 0 requires factions { carthage, }
recruit "carthaginian heavy infantry" 0 requires factions { carthage, }
recruit "numidian legionaries" 0 requires factions { numidia, }
recruit "east hillmen" 0 requires factions { eastern, }
recruit "east infantry" 0 requires factions { eastern, }
recruit "east heavy infantry" 0 requires factions { armenia, }
recruit "east hoplite" 0 requires factions { pontus, }
recruit "east hoplite brazen shield" 0 requires factions { pontus, }
recruit "east legionary" 0 requires factions { armenia, }
recruit "egyptian nubian spearmen" 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
recruit "egyptian nile infantry" 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
recruit "egyptian infantry" 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
recruit "egyptian elite guards" 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
recruit "greek hoplite militia" 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit "greek levy pikemen" 0 requires factions { seleucid, macedon, }
recruit "warband falx thracian" 0 requires factions { thrace, }
recruit "greek hoplite" 1 requires factions { greek_cities, }
recruit "greek pikemen" 0 requires factions { thrace, seleucid, macedon, }
recruit "greek hoplite elite" 0 requires factions { greek_cities, }
recruit "greek royal pikemen" 0 requires factions { macedon, }
recruit "greek silver shield pikemen" 0 requires factions { seleucid, }
recruit "greek hoplite spartan" 0 requires factions { greek_cities, } and hidden_resource sparta
recruit "greek bastarnae" 0 requires factions { thrace, }
recruit "greek argyraspid" 0 requires factions { seleucid, }
recruit "roman city militia" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman hastati" 0 requires factions { roman, } and not marian_reforms
recruit "roman infantry auxillia" 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms
recruit "roman princeps" 0 requires factions { roman, } and not marian_reforms
recruit "roman legionary cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms
recruit "roman legionary first cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource rome and marian_reforms
recruit "roman triarii" 1 requires factions { roman, } and not marian_reforms
recruit "roman legionary cohort ii" 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms
recruit "roman legionary first cohort ii" 0 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource rome and marian_reforms
recruit "roman praetorian cohort urban i" 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms
recruit "roman praetorian cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms

Uwaga! To co pogrubione - usuwasz i podmieniasz (odnośnie powyższego).

Tak ma być

recruit "carthaginian city militia" 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit "carthaginian infantry" 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit "spanish scutarii" 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit "barb infantry briton" 0 requires factions { britons, }
recruit "barb infantry dacian" 0 requires factions { dacia, }
recruit "barb infantry gaul" 0 requires factions { gauls, }
recruit "warband spear german" 0 requires factions { germans, }
recruit "barb horse archers scythian" 0 requires factions { scythia, }
recruit "warband sword briton" 0 requires factions { britons, }
recruit "warband sword gaul" 0 requires factions { gauls, }
recruit "warband axe german" 0 requires factions { germans, }
recruit "warband falx dacian" 0 requires factions { dacia, }
recruit "barb warguard gaul" 0 requires factions { gauls, }
recruit "barb warguard briton" 0 requires factions { britons, }
recruit "barb warguard dacian" 0 requires factions { dacia, }
recruit "warband dhaxe german" 0 requires factions { germans, }
recruit "warband axe scythian" 1 requires factions { scythia, }
recruit "carthaginian city militia" 0 requires factions { carthage, }
recruit "numidian javelinmen" 0 requires factions { numidia, }
recruit "carthaginian infantry" 0 requires factions { carthage, }
recruit "numidian desert warriors" 1 requires factions { numidia, }
recruit "carthaginian medium infantry" 0 requires factions { carthage, }
recruit "carthaginian heavy infantry" 0 requires factions { carthage, }
recruit "numidian legionaries" 0 requires factions { numidia, }
recruit "east hillmen" 0 requires factions { eastern, }
recruit "east infantry" 0 requires factions { eastern, }
recruit "east heavy infantry" 0 requires factions { armenia, }
recruit "east hoplite" 0 requires factions { pontus, }
recruit "east hoplite brazen shield" 0 requires factions { pontus, }
recruit "east legionary" 0 requires factions { armenia, }
recruit "egyptian nubian spearmen" 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
recruit "egyptian nile infantry" 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
recruit "egyptian infantry" 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
recruit "egyptian elite guards" 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
recruit "greek hoplite militia" 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit "greek levy pikemen" 0 requires factions { seleucid, macedon, }
recruit "warband falx thracian" 0 requires factions { thrace, }
recruit "greek hoplite" 1 requires factions { greek_cities, }
recruit "greek pikemen" 0 requires factions { thrace, seleucid, macedon, }
recruit "greek hoplite elite" 0 requires factions { greek_cities, }
recruit "greek royal pikemen" 0 requires factions { macedon, }
recruit "greek silver shield pikemen" 0 requires factions { seleucid, }
recruit "greek hoplite spartan" 0 requires factions { greek_cities, } and hidden_resource sparta
recruit "greek bastarnae" 0 requires factions { thrace, }
recruit "greek argyraspid" 0 requires factions { seleucid, }
recruit "roman city militia" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman hastati" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman infantry auxillia" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman princeps" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary first cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman triarii" 1 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary cohort ii" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman legionary first cohort ii" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman praetorian cohort urban i" 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit "roman praetorian cohort i" 0 requires factions { roman, }

To samo zrób z koszarami kawalerii. I nie kopiuj do swojego pliku przykładów tu podanych, bo wcięcia nie są takie jak powinny być o czym pisałem na początku posta.

17-08-2012, 21:44
Pozwolę sobie na post pod postem, żeby był widoczny nowy post. Gdybym edytował powyższy, to nikt by się nie połapał o tym.

Jeśli nie odpowiada ci posiadanie wszystkich jednostek już od początku gry, to możesz sobie dowolnie edytować i mieć je od jakiegoś innego poziomu koszar. Możesz też te jednostki wrzucić do innego dowolnego budynku, nawet burdelu. Musisz się tylko zapoznać jak to prawidłowo robić żeby niczego nie popsuć.
I jeśli u ciebie nie będzie działało jak należy, to będzie oznaczało, że gdzieś popełniłeś błąd. Ja sprawdziłem u siebie i wszystko jest takie jak być powinno. Jednostki z reformy Gajusza Mariusza są już od 1 poziomu koszar.
Ta zabawa z plikami jest naprawdę łatwa. Przeanalizuj sobie ich strukturę i miej na uwadze, że nawet źle postawiony przecinek powoduje błąd w grze.

17-08-2012, 23:51
dzięki wielkie jakby było można dal bym ci wielkiego "+" :D

18-08-2012, 00:14
Nie lepiej dać Zathonowi od razu SdKfz 181 albo RS-12M1 Topol-M?
Zrozum człowieku, że nie po to ktoś tworzył grę, aby teraz całkowicie zmieniać sens tej pracy.

18-08-2012, 10:42
To jego gra i może sobie robić z nią co chce. Według twojego rozumowania tworzenie modów nie ma sensu :P.

19-08-2012, 00:54
Pewnie, że nie ma sensu. Pisałem o tym w innym temacie.
Stawiam dolary przeciw orzechom, że gościu nie daje rady Rzymem i z tego powodu ten płacz :twisted: