Zobacz pełną wersję : Darth Vader Odchodzi & Oświadczenie W Sprawie DarthModów

11-10-2012, 17:21
Ponieważ informacja dotyczy wszystkich modów piszę tutaj.

Pogrubiłem ważniejsze informacje:

[spoiler:27lmgrwj]You probably all know that I have retired from the Total War Modding scene and I will support my current mods (read here). I consider all my current mods finished and well balanced and I am very happy you enjoy them.

As of today and until further notice, I will be much less active in the TWCenter forums, meaning that I will not be able to offer much technical help and support as previously. I will mostly read your feedback and reply less frequently, maybe I will have some fun watching your videos and other content you make with the mod, and will only have in mind to offer the following:
A last hotfixed update for DarthMod: Shogun II (The v4,3++ is the latest version) *If CA makes a new official patch, I may come again to adapt the mod as it will be necessary*
A last hotfixed update for DarthMod Napoleon (The v2,6+ is the latest version)
A last gameplay & Launcher patch for DarthMod Empire (The v8.0 is the latest version)
I would like very much to also update my much older projects DarthMod for M2TW and DarthMod for RTW but cannot promise anything.

Please excuse me when I do not reply directly to you when you have a technical or any other DarthMod related question. You, the players, please, try to help each other when I or someone of my remaining colleague modders cannot reply to a topic or question. Nevertheless, the DarthMods are there for you to play them free and enjoy them, forever!

PS. If you think that DarthMod deserves it, give your like or follow in its pages[/spoiler:27lmgrwj]

i wcześniejsze oświadczenie:
[spoiler:27lmgrwj]20/09/2012 This is unfortunately a sad announcement .
For the reasons explained in these two posts
http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthre ... st12025938 (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?p=12025938#post12025938)

http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthre ... st12026734 (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?p=12026734#post12026734)

the DarthMod project will no longer continue for Total War games.

There will be some support for older games, if needed, as all my mods are complete now but there will be not a new DarthMod for new Total War games and of course not for the upcoming RTW2. I believe this is what CA also wanted for years, so I think they are happy now.

I am one of the biggest fans of Total War games, I do not think someone can deny this, but as CA continued to devalue my efforts to improve their games, I would be a fool to "insist".

Do not worry about the future of the current DarthMods. They will stay and will be probably somewhat more improved. Maybe now I will have more time to play them...

Thank YOU, the fans who really show me your appreciation of my modding work not only by your kind posts but also by numbers:[/spoiler:27lmgrwj]

Smutna wiadomość, szczególnie ta dotycząca Rome 2...choć zawsze jest szansa, że powtórzy się historia z Empire, kiedy to Vader nie mogąc się powstrzymać powrócił po latach przerwy.

PS:Vader wykonał kawał genialnej roboty, chwała mu za wszystkie lata!

15-10-2012, 10:01
Wielka szkoda :cry: , jego mod pod Napoleona jest moim ulubionym. Kto wie moze jeszcze powróci.

15-10-2012, 13:21
Miejmy nadzieję, że jak zobaczy AI w rome2 złapie się za głowę i tak jak w 2009 powróci niosąc światłość i nadzieję :D

15-10-2012, 14:30
Niestety, jeszcze jakby tak King Kong, Gigantus i całe pokolenie ich by dołączyło, to seria gier CA stanie się jak dla mnie niegrywalna :cry: Podejrzewam, że proza życia dała swój wycisk, ehh życie 8-)

06-08-2013, 21:08
Ci modderzy :roll: ... zawsze są w stanie tak ulepszyć grę ,że podstawka staję się słaba jak barszcz...nawet przy kultowych i naprawdę super grach ;) .

[IG] Misiak
06-09-2013, 08:02
Bardzo zła wiadomość. Ja jednak liczę, że Darth jednak zmieni zdanie po jakimś czasie i wróci:)