Zobacz pełną wersję : Download & Info

12-08-2013, 21:02

link do pobrania moda na moddb (wersja 5.1) http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-great-war ... eat-war-51 (http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-great-war-mod/downloads/the-great-war-51)
link do pobrania patcha 5.1.4 http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-great-war ... at-war-514 (http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-great-war-mod/downloads/patch-the-great-war-514)
link do alternatywnej instalacji moda http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthre ... ith-images (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?613572-The-Great-War-EASY-STEP-BY-STEP-ALTERNATIVE-INSTALLATION-GUIDE-(with-images)!)

Gdy nie działa launcher, trzeba przeprowadzić alternatywną instalację, a do niej potrzebny jest mod manager (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthre ... er-for-NTW (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?344757-Mod-Manager-for-NTW)), znaleźć też trzeba folder z user.script.

Kiedy mamy na komputerze wersje 5.0 a chcemy mieć 5.1, pamiętać trzeba o usunięciu wszystkich plików wersji 5.0 przed instalacją nowego wydania moda. Patch 5.1.4 zawiera wszystkie poprzednie patche, więc nie trzeba ich instalować.

10-11-2019, 08:25
Szykuje się nowa wersja.
Mimo, ze nie lubię Napka, to jak wyjdzie to zerknę, bo zapowiada się smerfastycznie :P

Campaign Changes


Added 10 new loading screens
Added new campaign map models for armies and generals
Added USA troops to French unit roster after researching associated tech
Added new historical events
Added historical faction leaders for all factions
Added historical traits to new faction leaders and generals
Added historical generals to all major and most minor factions
Added new portraits for new faction leaders and generals
Added historical starting armies in their historical locations in 1914
Added starting navies with historical fleet sizes and locations
Added new icon for cultural differences to replace missing icon
Added more pilot names and portraits
Added religious icon for Judaism on city info screen

Added new deployment zones for naval battles and land battle types, including
================================================== ==========
- standard land battles
- siege battles
- bridge battles
- ambush battles
- settlement battles (offensive and defensive)

Added 27 historical battle names for famous battle markers on the map, including
================================================== ===========
- Battle of Tannenberg
- Battle of Gallipoli
- Battle of the Isonzo
- Battle of the Ardennes
- Battle of the Cerna Bend
- Battle of Dobra Pole

Added region specific revolutionary armies to some regions
- Bavarian Soviet Revolutionaries
- Ruhr Revolutionaries
- Bennio Russo Revolutionaries

Added new emergent factions
- Hungary
- Poland
- Latvia
- Ukraine
- Lithuania
- Belarus
- Finland
- Czechoslovakia
- Yugoslavia

Added new followers to some faction leaders
- Rasputin
- Tsarina Alexandra
- Karl Franz von Habsburg
- Queen Marie of Romania


Overhauled tech system - WIP
- added new techs
- changed tech effects for all techs including adding effects to techs that were missing them
- adjusted starting techs to be more historically accurate and varied between major and minor factions
- removed access to some techs from factions that shouldnt have access to them including colonial and foreign recruitment
- adjusted which buildings require which techs to be unlocked
- adjusted which techs unlock which other techs
- changed which buildings unlock which techs
- changed the location of many techs on the tech tree

Adjusted faction government types and religions to be historically accurate
Overhauled economy to be more historically accurate
Overhauled religion demographics in eastern europe and added Judaism
Adjusted plane models to be slightly smaller and higher up above the ground
Adjusted campaign camera’s closest zoom distance so it doesn't clip into the ground, buildings or campaign pieces
Adjusted campaign camera full zoom out to be not as far which prevents the camera from accidentally zooming all the way out when scrolling the mouse wheel
Changed unit recruitment icons silhouettes in AI controlled cities to WW1 era unit silhouettes for both army and navy units
Changed AI army units’ silhouettes to peaked cap (no more top hats)
Changed notification icon for new traits from top hat to WW1 peaked cap
Increased the population of major cities to 1914 levels

Bug Fixes;

Fixed several event images still being vanilla
Removed mines, farms, vineyards etc from town names e.g. Nancy Mines is now just Nancy.
Fixed starting camera position to show the nation you selected on startup
Fixed movement bonus for railroads
Fixed Ottoman naval unit model still being vanilla dhow
Fixed voices for all units WIP

Building Changes


Added second university to most major factions and removed them from some minor factions while adding them to some other minor factions for strategic purposes
Added new building icons for railroads
Added new building icons for airfields
Added starting railroad system to major factions creating a railroad backbone
Added prestige building to major faction capitals
Added level 1 buildings to all towns so there are no empty town slots at the beginning of the campaign


Adjusted unit recruitment slots for ports and cities so they all start with at least 2 recruitment slots
Adjusted building names to be more historically accurate, no more craft workshops etc
Adjusted build times and costs for buildings
Overhauled starting buildings to give more variety
Overhauled unit building requirements to give more variation in recruitment and allow single slot city minor nations to recruit artillery
Removed grapes icon from vineyards, wineries and wine estates.
Removed unrest from army buildings to prevent excessive revolts
Added more effects to supply depots; reduce upkeep cost for infantry and cavalry, increased time to surrender for sieges
Added more effects to roads; increase reinforcement range for armies

Overhauled building models to give more variation using previously unused models
================================================== =============
- vineyards = Village
- wineries = Large Town
- wine estates = City
- National Gallery = Admin6
- Humboldt Universität = Army School
- Wiener Theater = Commercial Finance
- Musée Napoléon = Army Base
- Kremlin Armory = Industry Chemical

Overhauled building XP allocation as follows,
- Military Base gives XP bonus to units: Elite infantry, light infantry, basic rifle infantry, MG units and mountain infantry
- Military School give XP bonus to units; Snipers, engineers, flamethrower units, assault units, shotgun units, grenadiers, assault smg units and anti tank units
- Manufacturing Industry gives XP bonus to units; Field guns, light mortars, mountain guns, light tanks
- Heavy Industry gives XP bonus to units; Heavy howitzers, heavy field guns, rail guns, heavy mortars, heavy tanks
- Chemical Industry gives XP bonus to units; Gas projectors

Bug Fixes;

Fixed missing building icon for level 1 farms
Fixed Ottoman Empire buildings to be middle eastern style
Fixed some broken towns slots that didnt allow buildings to be built there
Fixed higher level buildings not being able to recruit units

Trade Changes


Added trade ships on trade nodes at start of campaign

Added new trade commodities with new icons
- Oil
- Lumber
- Copper
- Grain
- Coal


Adjusted trade good values WIP
Changed all commodity volumes to tonnes

Changed trade node names to other nations that were involved in the war including
================================================== =============
- Dominion of Canada
- British Raj
- South Africa
- Brazil
- America

Scripting Changes

Disabled tech trading between major factions but minor factions can still trade techs

Added unit disabling script that changes all units to trench warfare era once trench warfare tech is researched.

Added influenza pandemic script to the following factions
- Portugal
- Spain
- France
- British Empire
- German Empire
- Italy
- Switzerland
- Sweden
- Norway
- Denmark
- Netherlands
- Austria-Hungary

Added revolution events to the following factions
- Germany (November Revolution)
- Austria - Hungary (Aster Revolution)
- Russian Empire (February Revolution, October Revolution)

Battle Changes


Overhauled BAI system
Increased accuracy of mg units
Increased rifle ranges

Bug Fixes;

Fixed units randomly turning when firing
Fixed formations for better BAI utilization
Fixed reinforcement bug caused by mg units having too many which made a couple men stand in place even when the unit itself is moving
Removed mg bunkers to prevent crashing during battles

Land Unit Changes


Added new unit cards and info cards for all factions WIP
Added new units types to certain factions so that all factions have comparable units types - WIP
Added American troops to French unit roster that are unlocked via techs
Added new texture for the mauser


Overhauled uniforms for all major factions and most minor factions WIP
Adjusted colonial unit recruitment times to 1 turn but limited number of units that can be recruited
Adjusted unit sizes to be slightly larger
Adjusted armor stats for mid and late era units to be higher to simulate the helmets

Bug Fixes;

Fixed fuel tank on flame thrower unit so it shows up now
Fixed unit spacing so there is more room between men in units to prevent them from clipping into each other

Tank Changes


Added 4 new French tanks
Added new textures for British and German captured British tanks


Increased space between tanks to prevent them from bunching up
Adjusted the tanks LOD distance so that the high detail LOD1 is visible longer
Adjusted tank cost and building times making German tanks cost more and take longer to build
Adjusted tank tech unlocking to make male tanks available first instead of female tanks

Bug Fixes;

Increased number of tanks in unit to prevent them from disappearing after battles

Artillery Changes


Added shrapnel shell artillery type to howitzers


Adjusted poison gas to be more accurate, have a larger spread and to make the gas linger longer
Adjusted attack power of artillery to be lower but increased explosion radius so artillery wont be so overpowered in auto resolve
Increased space between artillery units to prevent them from bunching up
Changed some heavy artillery to fixed

Adjusted firing angle of artillery to avoid shells hitting obstructions
- 20 degrees for field guns
- 45 degrees for howitzers
- 60 degrees for mortars

Naval Changes


Added Francesco Caracciolo Class Super Dreadnought to Italy and Imperator Nikolai I class super dreadnought to Russia that can be unlocked after researching tech
Added new ship type called Armored Cruisers
Added new deployment zones for naval battles
Added historical naval flags
Added info cards for naval units

Added new faction specific naval units, including
- Tegetthoff Class dreadnought
- Habsburg class pre-dreadnought
- Gangut Class dreadnought
- Borodino Class battlecruiser
- Imperator Nikolai I Class super dreadnought
- Francesco Caracciolo Class super dreadnought
- Reşadiye Class dreadnought
- Espana Class dreadnought
- Kilkis Class dreadnought


Adjusted naval unit costs, upkeep and build times to make having navies easier
Adjusted naval units range, fire power and armor
Limited number of trade and cargo ships to prevent AI from only building those ship types
Changed all cruisers ship models to the steam frigate and destroyers, cargo ships and trade ships model to 1deck38 steam ship to add more variety to the ships models during battles

Bug Fixes;

Fixed first super dreadnought event trigger as it would fire when a pre-dreadnought was built
Fixed ship artillery models WIP

New models

- Renault FT 17
- Schneider CA1
- Saint-Chamond

- Lebel Model 1886
- Mosin–Nagant M1891
- Mannlicher M1895

- Artillery observation scope WIP
- Caudron r 11 bomber
- hotchkiss machine gun

Lwie Serce
11-11-2019, 14:24
Super, wrócę do świata z urlopu a mod wyjdzie to koniecznie pobieram!

30-11-2019, 05:20
Na razie linka daję tutaj, kawał dobrej roboty jak dla mnie od strony wizualnej, nie znam epoki ale pewnie historycznie jest dosyć wiernie.

Słońce nigdy nie zachodzi nad Imperium Brytyjskim.

To największy jak dotąd przegląd jednostek.

https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-great-war-mod/news/the-great-war-vi-the-british-empire (https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-great-war-mod/news/the-great-war-vi-the-british-empire)

19-12-2019, 07:42
Mimo, ze Napoleon jest moją najmniej ulubioną grą, to modyfikacja o 1 wojnie mnie ciekawiła i czekałem na wersję pełną jak kania na deszcz, a tutaj coś takiego.
Tak napisał Autor:

Zacznę od złych wieści, wersja VI Great War Mod będzie opóźniona. Pierwotnie mieliśmy nadzieję wydać nową wersję pod koniec tego miesiąca, ale nie wygląda na to, aby było to możliwe z wielu powodów.

Są 2 główne przyczyny opóźnienia. Pierwszy powód jest związany z problemami IRL, które mają miejsce właśnie w moim życiu. Nie będę wchodził w szczegóły, ale wynik jest taki, że przeprowadzam się po raz drugi od 3 miesięcy. Z tego powodu i wakacji mój wolny czas na pracę nad modem spadł prawie do zera. Wciąż znajduję czas tu i tam, aby załatwić kilka spraw, ale nie wystarczyło to do ukończenia aktualizacji do 31.12.

Również główna część aktualizacji, nowe mundury oraz karty jednostek i karty informacyjne pozostają niedokończone, a Rosja, Włochy i Hiszpania nadal wymagają ukończenia.

Końcowy test beta również nie przebiegał tak sprawnie, jak oczekiwano. Wynika to głównie z powolności lub braku odpowiedzi testerów, ponieważ powiedzieli, że było kilku testerów, którzy byli bardzo responsywni i bardzo pomocni w testowaniu. Nie minęło dużo czasu, odkąd wysłałem wszystkie linki do testów beta, więc wkrótce możemy uzyskać więcej odpowiedzi, ale nie będziemy mieli wystarczająco dużo czasu, aby naprawić wszystkie błędy przed końcem miesiąca z powodu problemów wspomnianych wcześniej.

Dobre wieści

Nareszcie mam pełny dostęp administratora do głównego konta mod! Skontaktował się ze mną Seamus, redaktor naczelny ModDB, który po wyjaśnieniu sytuacji udzielił mi dostępu do plików postów i zdjęć.

Teraz, gdy mam pełny dostęp, opublikuję oficjalną aktualizację 5.1.5 tutaj na stronie głównej zamiast na tej alternatywnej stronie, którą zrobiłem. Oznacza to również, że mogę publikować obrazy nowej zawartości na stronie obrazu zamiast publikować je jako artykuł. Oznacza to, że będzie pojawiał się stały strumień nowych obrazów pokazujących nową zawartość zamiast tylko od czasu do czasu artykułu.

Również po osiedleniu się w nowym miejscu i po wakacjach będę miał więcej czasu niż wcześniej na pracę nad modem.

Nawiązałem też kontakt z niektórymi YouTuberami, aby sprawdzić, czy chcieliby zrobić kilka podglądów nowej aktualizacji, więc mam nadzieję, że wkrótce pojawią się nowe niesamowite filmy.

Nowa data premiery najprawdopodobniej przypada na koniec lutego, co powinno dać nam wystarczająco dużo czasu, aby ukończyć wszystkie nowe mundury, a także kilka innych nowych treści, które zostały niedawno dodane.


20-12-2019, 07:30
Super czekam na Full wypas bo to najlepszy mod do Napoleona :D

20-05-2022, 21:12
Jest najnowsza wersja. Potem zaktualizuję pierwszy post, o ile nie zapomnę :)

The Great War Mod VI file - Mod DB (https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-great-war-mod/downloads/the-great-war-mod-vi)

Pliki są niby z tamtego roku, ale wg filmu, co dam poniżej, chyba będzie jakaś aktualizacja kolejna? Robi wrażenie nawet na mnie, co Napoleon, to nie moja gra.
