Zobacz pełną wersję : Nielimiotowana Ilość Jednostek w Armii - Poradnik

05-09-2013, 08:10
Modderzy znaleźli już sposób na udostępnienie nielimitowanej ilości oddziałów w danej armii!

Here is how to get as many units as you want in a single army or navy on the Rome 2 campaign map.
First, start a campaign, and save it.
Second, download the esf editor here http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showt...t=534721.
Third, extract the esf editor.
Forth, open the esf editor, then open your save game, it will be found in C:\Users\*yourname*\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Rome2\save_games
Fifth, expand Campaign_Save_Game, Compressed_data, Campaign_Env, then click on campaign_model.
Sixth, in the 9 and 10th rows from the top you will see to numbers, the first is the amount of units each army is allowed, the second is the amount each navy is allowed.
Seventh, change these numbers to whatever you want.Done!Note 1, The AI WILL recruit armies of this sizeNote 2, Raising the amount of men in battle is VERY CPU INTENSIVE, so go easy on all but the highest clock speeds.Note 3, This will cause a CTD if you try it with the actual campaign esf.

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