na podstawce Medievvall II mam hotseat, Kingdoms wszystkie części także, w Stainless Steel 6.1(mod do kingdoms) również mam hotseat'a, ale w dodatku do SS czyli Battle for the Baltic już nie mogę hotseata ustawić. Bawiłem się sporo w pliku konfiguracyjnym ale nie mogę wykminić... Możecie pomóc
Oto plik konfiguracyjny Stainless Steel Stainless_Steel_Kingdoms.cfg
mod = mods/Stainless_Steel_6

file_first = true

show_hud_date	= true
;bypass_sprite_script = 1

to = logs/system.log.txt
;level = * trace
level = * error

unlimited_men_on_battlefield = 1
event_cutscenes = 1

## comment/uncomment following line to disable/enable hotseat campaign
# playable		= true
## faction mask for setting default starting factions in hotseat campaign
# factions		= 1 # = england, 2 = france, 4 = hre, 3 = england+france, etc

## disable start turn scroll in hotseat campaign - false or 0 needed to be able to defend against AI
scroll = false
## disable forced separate human faction turns (including diplomacy) in hotseat campaign
turns = false
## enable cheat console in hotseat campaign
disable_console = false
## enable camera updates during ai turn in hotseat campaign
update_ai_camera = true
## enable or disable voting in papal elections in hotseat campaign (only first valid human faction votes)
disable_papal_elections = false
## disable forced autoresolve all battles in hotseat campaign
autoresolve_battles = false
## disable diplomacy validation for incoming propositions
validate_diplomacy = false
## disable forced relevant hotseat options to be saved with game.
# save_prefs = false
## autosave hotseat game at start of players turn
#autosave = true
## save config file in save dir containing information about next players turn
# save_config = true
## close medieval II directly after a hotseat autosave
# close_after_save = true
## sub directory name for hotseat save games
# gamename = hotseat_gamename
## ensure game data files used in previous save match current campaign data files.
# validate_data = true
## prevent game to load if savegame or data validations fail
# allow_validation_failures = false