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Wątek: Radious Total War

  1. #11
    Megas Basileus / Młoda Gwardia Awatar Polemajos
    Sep 2014
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    Był kryzys, Radious pisał o zatrzymaniu prac na jego modami, ale wpłacono mu kasę i je kontynuuje. Połowa roboty nad aktualizacją dodającą Norskę wykonana:
    ,,Vae Victis"

  2. #12
    Megas Basileus / Młoda Gwardia Awatar Polemajos
    Sep 2014
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    Można grać w Radiousa na Warhammerze 2:

    W ciągu dnia ma pojawić się ponownie warsztat Steam, więc wtedy stamtąd można będzie pobierać modyfikację.

    Dopasowanie Warhammer'a 2 do standardów Radiousa, czyli przeróbka systemu bitewnego, kampanii, zmiany w zachowaniu sztucznej inteligencji, interfejsie i innych elementach graficznych oraz umożliwienie gry frakcjami i ponad 200. dla nich jednostkami z Warhammer'a 1 i podstawowymi oddziałami z Warhammer'a 2 (bitwy własne i multiplayer).

    W planach znajduje się tworzenie nowych jednostek dla wszystkich czterech frakcji oraz przeniesienie zawartości Radiousa 1 na łączoną mapę WH1 i WH2.

    Pełna lista zawartości:

    Pierwsza wersja:
    Battle Changes:
    - New morale system - progressive, changes during battle rapidly, various effects changed. Overall longer and more interesting battles. Big differences between races (each behaves differentlly).

    - Battles last longer - reworked melee hit chance and almost all unit stats to ensure its not over within 2-3 minutes units clash.

    - Almost all units are rebalanced in terms of health, stats, ammo, leadership, formations, atributes and much more.

    - Wider differences between various weapons, missile weapons, armors and shields to ensure much wider variety on the battlefield.

    - Complete rebalance of all projectiles - every single bow, javelin, rifle, crossbow and tons of other missile weapons has been edited to offer larger differences between types including reworked ranges, standard and AP damages, reload times etc.

    - Complete rebalance of all speels, abilities and magic - magic is far more interesting to use, buffs and debuffs are reworked, effects changed, duration mostly increase and have more strategic depth in their usage.

    - Rebalanced level up bonuses for units - more experienced units will play higher role.

    - Fatigue numbers and its effects rebalanced.

    - Resized most Lords and Heroes to match their size with regular units (not for Chaos, Beatmen, Orcs, Lizardmen, Skaven).

    - Unlocked Gate Guard (High Elves) unit for custom battles and made them recruitable in campaign.

    Campaign Changes:
    - Economy rebalanced and reworked, income reworked.

    - Changes to religion, cultural coversion and population growth.

    - Almost all building effects are rebalanced, many buildings got additional effects to make any sence to actually build them.

    - Building costs rebalanced, higher tiers are more expensive.

    - Ambush chance increased on almost all terrain types.

    - Experience system rebalanced, units level up slightly faster.

    - Technologies slightly rebalanced, effects changed on various types.

    - Rebalanced diplomacy status numbers: Friendly, Hostile, Unfriendly, Very friendly.

    - Reworked cultural relations between factions.

    - Skillpoints changes - all generals are getting 2 skill points per level (few levels grant 3 points). All agents get each 1 or 2 points per level (first few starting level 1 skill point and few last levels 1 skill point, between that 2 points).

    - Attrition on various areas rebalanced.

    - Rebalanced conquest decisions - more options and potential gold income from various decisions.

    - All traits and ancillaries are rebalanced and their effects changed to be more enjoyable and have wider variety.

    - Improved effectivity of trade agreements.

    - Rebalanced all faction traits and big game events effects, buffs and debuffs reworked to be more interesting.

    - Rebalanced climate effects for occupying settlements from other cultures (debuffs are not so harsch so it has more sence to keep the town instead of razing it).

    - All corruption/religion spreading effects edited, various things giving bonuses to those.

    - All army campaign stances and their effects rebalance, made them more interesting and unique per race.

    - Rebalanced nature and storm events and efffects.

    - Slightly increased chance of getting Blessed Lizardmen units (10% chance on turn start if army has 6-19 units and its on own territory), uncommon blessed units are gained from turn 40 and rare blessed units from turn 70.

    - Spawned ritual Chaos, Norsca and Skaven armies will be stronger, have more units and better rank - each difficulty setting will make it harder!

    - High Elven intrigue effects rebalanced and edited.

    - Unlocked several Old World factions to custom battles.

    AI Changes:
    - Completely Reworked AI recruitment system - AI army composition improved and recruitment reworked so AI builds more balanced armies with larger variety of units. This will be greatly improved also once we port all our WH 1 units to original factons and create new for WH 2 factions!

    - Rebalance AI difficulty bonuses, on campaign AI gets various boosts on higher difficulties, battle bonuses almost all removed entirely.

    - AI will be much more agressive and active on campaign map, wil lressetle razed towns far more often and faster.

    - Improved AI spending and economy logic, will be able to use higher income more effectively.

    - AI will raze less and occupy more.

    Graphics Changes:
    - Added new logo to the main menu and campaign loading screens, representing the mod and you know its activated.

    - Removed dust effects when arrows hit the ground.

    - Removed various dust effects when army marches on places where no dust would ever appear.

    - Added new UI unit markers which are far more visible then original ones.

    Aktualizacja 1 (29.09.2017):

    - Unlocked all Lizardmen Blessed units for custom battles (they are stronger versions of vanilla units, have some abilities and different looks)

    - Entire economy rebalanced - Radious style of economy is finally here - more expensive buildings and units, reworked all income, reduced unit upkeep.

    - Rebalanced costs of every single unit in the game, various unit numbers changes.

    - Many recruitment changes and recruitment requirements.

    - Total Magic and Spells rebalance - every single spell and ability has reworked stats, effects, durations, recharge, mana costs and damage values.

    - Added Home Region Movement bonus - same a sin WH 1 your armries have 10% movement bonus on own lands.

    - Entire rebalance of all combat unit stats - every single weapon, armor, shield has rebalanced values, units are massively rebalanced aswell, combat lenght is increased around 40-60% (depending on many other aspects).

    - Complete projectile rebalance - Every single missile weapon has ben rebalanced aswell, different ranges, damage values, bonuses for all missil units, arty weapons. Wider differences, more variety between units.

    - Towers slightly nerfed, range reduced.

    - New main menu and edited loading screens.

    - Reworked Food mechanics for Skaven, more interesting and suitable for larger armies gameplay.

    - Rebalanced unit speeds - wider differences between unit types and races.

    - All flying units received speed bonus, no more slow-mo flying but actually fast and deadly with good charges.

    Aktualizacja 2 (30.09.2017):

    - All 200+ custom units from Warhammer 1 for all Old Wolrd factions are now fully ported, implented and balanced for Warhammer 2!

    - Tons of balance changes across the whole board to ensure unique factions with unique rosters but well designed and balanced.

    - Many recruitment changes, AI recrutiment entirely reworked to offer best possible balanced and interesting armies. Except Rogue factions, those are sofar totaly weirdly mixed.....

    - Upkeep increased across the board by 5-10% from last version - minor increase but was needed due to other economy changes. Every single unit, lord, hero and monster is effected by it.

    - Skill points reworked, slightly less points on various levels, curent number was too much and you could have all skills around level 25-30 for msot heroes when new cap is now level 40. Now need more points then actual skills

    - Many bug fixes and issues fixed. Small stuff here and there i find every day and they could annoy you if yo uwould find them! :-)

    - Magic and spells balance changes - many got rebalanced damage values, mana costs, duration times.

    - Gateguard added to high elven group to receive tech/skill bonuses same as other units.

    - Chaos and Norsca scripts reworked - improved spawned armies, contain custom units, will be more dangerous when you start rituals, each wave/ritual more difficult, challenge is also increased with each difficulty level you play on.

    Aktualizacja 3 (02.10.2017):

    - Complete new Garrisons for all factions - every single faction received complete overhaul in this aspect of the game. All Old World factions, all New World factions. Old World factions already have in garrisons now our custom units which are very well implemented so they provide unique variety and options depending what type of city you are attacking. New World factions have reworked vanilla rosters, unique for special settlements, major, minor, bonus defensive structures and much more! All garrisons are already prepared to work with Mortal Empires campaign so all types of citties are covered for all factions entirely! Garrison Heroes are now for all Minor Towns Level 3, Major Towns Level 3-5, Special Settlements Level 3-5.

    - Mod files and packs are now well prepared for additional custom units for New World factions which we will start working on soon!

    - Several balance changes for various units.

    - Minor tweaking to spell balance.

    - Several bug fixes.

    - Additional small improvements to Ai recruitment.

    - Additional tweaks to Chaos/Norsca invasions during rituals.

    Aktualizacja 4 (04.10.2017):

    - Food mechanics for SKaven rebalanced and reworked - due to Radious style gameplay it was needed to adapt system for it. Now several unique resource buildings will provide food (not only farms), food edict has +1 food, rading has +1 food. Province capitals increasing food storage capacity by +6, minor towns by +3. Fe wother food providing buildings received small buff.

    - AI battle difficulty stats bonuses removed - no longer stats bonuses like melee attack, charge bonus etc for AI, this ruined balance if you wanted to play on higher difficulties and didnt changed battle difficulty in campaign settings.

    - Veterancy bonuses reworked - veterancy plays higher role, units receive every second level slightly more morale, defence, accuracy stats bonuses. Makes them more valuable.

    - Penalties from unsuitable climates rebalanced - effects were too harsch, pretty much no point to do there anything except razing. No more! Negatives stays but they are far more acceptable when you choose to occupy it.

    - Loyalty for Skaven and Dark Elves edited - slightly higher chance to spawn with higher loayly then before.

    - Several minor balance changes.

    - Few bug fixes.
    ,,Vae Victis"

  3. #13
    Megas Basileus / Młoda Gwardia Awatar Polemajos
    Sep 2014
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    Linki do pobrania ze Steam:

    - Część 1
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    ,,Vae Victis"

  4. #14
    Sep 2011
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    Hej, sprawdzal ktos Radiousa z WH2 ? Tez Wam wyrzuca do pulpitu po kilku turach ? Gram Mazdamundim i po 10 turach wywala... Radious twierdzi ze to wina podstawki

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