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Wątek: Wars of the Gods - Ancient Wars.

  1. #1
    Administrator*kotołak*archimandryta z Konstantynopola Awatar Eutyches
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    Wars of the Gods - Ancient Wars.

    Modyfikacja nawiązuje do dawnych tradycji moderskich, a sama jej nazwa nie jest przypadkowa. Kiedyś były próby pod inne gry, ale tradycyjnie twcenter jest uczulony na pewne sprawy, więc skończyło się rozwodem. Czy stoją za tym Ci sami Autorzy? Nie wiem.
    Ale szlachetny KLA myślę, że pamięta sytuację z modyfikacją o tej nazwie i takiej jeszcze jak Hegemonia.





    Stąd można bezpośrednio ściągnąć:

    Z tego roku filmik. Zaczynam lubić YT za to 

    Tutaj wykaz zmian, skopiowane, bo nie ma co tłumaczyć, prostym językiem napisane, ale jakby ktoś miał siły, by tłumaczyć takie rzeczy jak szanowny buger13, to zapraszam i z góry dziękuję.

    Features include:

    • Unlocked Factions for Grand Campaign, Imperial Augustus, Wrath of Sparta, Ceaser In Gaul , Hannibal At The Gates and Rise of the Republic
    • Over 1500 units added across all factions
    • Unique AOR (Area Of Recruitment) for many units
    • Roman Army Major Overhaul
    • Various BAI and CAI updates to give much smoother, historically realistic and better gameplay experience.
    • Unique UI, Loading Screens, Unit Cards and much more....

    Many other features include Graphical and Campaign Gameplay improvements.
    Also in September 2018 the mods BAI & CAI have received a total overhaul and the in game mechanics totally changed so that the AI is stretched to its capacity to perform on its decisions on Diplomacy and Strategy.
    Here is a flavour of what to expect......AI armies are well balanced mix of units and are powerful and Faction growth with expansion and formation of empires. Also your allies will assist and aid in wars with you, less squalor and more food production, cities are harder to take down as the ai will defend them. Ai will be aggressive and attack you and will grow stronger still as the campaign continues faction growth with improved factions will research more and build up their cities.

    Battles in game are also now more creative by the AI when facing your opponents as they will plan there attacks carefully. AI armies keep their formations better and are clever -units will disengage reform and attack your weak points, better flanking, units will counter player moves better, battles last longer...but not too long, units have better endurance and morale, better AP for javelin units. battle will be tough and bloody affairs-do not take AI faction for granted they are not push overs.

    ​The Mods preferred level to be played on is Hard/Very Hard difficulties. Please visit our website which is located in right column next to "Homepage" to view more details and the additional mods we recommend you to use that are compatible.

    Experienced Players:If you want the most challenging campaign it is recommended you play on Very Hard Campaign difficulty and use some of the following submods: Harder Economy, Double Research and Building Costs, Total Slaughter or the Super Slaughter submod. Also if you play as the Romans the preferred level is Very Hard as they have buffs in game so that the AI when using them stay in game and do not get wiped out early on!
    ​So that's it for now and stay tuned for further developments....
    IMPORTANT NOTE: This mod is only compatible with the sub mods that are listed within the "Wars Of The Gods Sub Mod Collection" and any other mods are not supported and will give either erratic gameplay or crashes in game. We will only consider and offer help on bug reports with the provision that you are using no other unsupported mods, however if you wish to contact the mod authors direct to confirm if compatible, thanks.

    On Major updates to mod we advise a new start as some save games will not be compatible, however we will always try and let you know if they are save game compatible. Also on major updates it is always best to start a new campaign game so that you can play with all the new stuff that has been added.

    "Gdyby można było skrzyżować człowieka z kotem, poprawiłoby człowieka, ale pogorszyłoby kota" — Mark Twain.

  2. Następujących 2 użytkowników podziękowało Eutyches za ten post:

  3. #2
    Administrator*kotołak*archimandryta z Konstantynopola Awatar Eutyches
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    Dzięki info szlachetnego kolegi z Grupy TotaWar, okazuje się że od tygodnia mamy najnowszą wersję tego moda. Najprawdopodobniej cudeńko, kto grał niech poopowiada...

    "Gdyby można było skrzyżować człowieka z kotem, poprawiłoby człowieka, ale pogorszyłoby kota" — Mark Twain.

  4. #3
    Oct 2009
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    Wars of the Gods - Ancient Wars v.10.6 wersja z 17.08.2023 - ktoś coś? warto instalować?

  5. #4
    Administrator*kotołak*archimandryta z Konstantynopola Awatar Eutyches
    Aug 2009
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    Cytat Zamieszczone przez dabranocka Zobacz posta
    Wars of the Gods - Ancient Wars v.10.6 wersja z 17.08.2023 - ktoś coś? warto instalować?
    Oczywiście. Mody Romka 2 to tak duże projekty, to swoiste dlc, zaraz będzie Age of Bronze, jest fajny mod do średniowiecza
    "Gdyby można było skrzyżować człowieka z kotem, poprawiłoby człowieka, ale pogorszyłoby kota" — Mark Twain.

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